

2023-12-27 09:16:11


全球设计师、机构、院校及创意爱好者:为打造具有全球辨识度的形象体系,更好地向世界展示创新、开放、活力的城区形象,为南山发展注入崭新动能,南山区今日起开展形象标识体系征集评选活动。期待您的参与!Global designers, institutions, schools, and creatives:To create a globally recognized image, showcase the innovative, open, and vibrant Nanshan to the world, and facilitate its development, Nanshan District is launching a contest for its logo and slogan design.We look forward to your participation!
一、征集时间及评选流程(一)发布时间:2023年12月20日(二)截稿时间:2024年2月25日24:00(北京时间)此截止时间为邮件送达时间,逾期将不具备应征资格。(三)评审及公示时间:2024年2月28日—3月31日I. Submission Period and Evaluation Process(I) Contest Announcement: December 20, 2023(II) Submission Deadline: 24:00, February 25, 2024 (Beijing Time)The deadline refers to the time at which the email is received, and submissions received after this time will not be eligible.(III) Evaluation and Results Announcement: February 28, 2024 – March 31, 2024
二、奖项和奖金(一)LOGO设计金奖(1名):获20万元人民币+获奖证书 (*主办方将优先采用大奖作品为深圳市南山区形象标志。)优秀入围奖(4名):获5万元人民币+获奖证书人气奖(1名):获1.5万元人民币(二)宣传标语作品金奖(1名):获4万元人民币+获奖证书(*主办方将优先采用大奖作品为深圳市南山区宣传标语。)优秀入围奖(4名):获1万元人民币+获奖证书人气奖(1名):获5000元人民币注:以上奖金均为税前金额,获奖者应自行按照相关国家(包括但不限于中华人民共和国)及相关地区的法律规定纳税。II.Awards(I) Logo Design- Gold Award (1 winner): ¥200,000 RMB and Award Certificate (*The winning work will be a priority to be adopted as the logo of Nanshan District in Shenzhen.)- Finalist Awards (4 winners): ¥50,000 RMB and Award Certificate- Popularity Award (1 winner): ¥15,000 RMB(II) Slogan Design- Gold Award (1 winner): ¥40,000 RMB and Award Certificate(*The winning work will be a priority to be adopted as the slogan of Nanshan District in Shenzhen.)- Finalist Awards (4 winners): ¥10,000 RMB and Award Certificate- Popularity Award (1 winner): ¥5,000 RMBNote: The prizes above are pre-tax. Winners should comply with the tax regulations of relevant countries (including but not limited to the People's Republic of China) and regions.
三、投稿渠道邮箱:nanshanip@szns.gov.cnⅢ. SubmissionEmail: nanshanip@szns.gov.cn
深圳市南山区融媒体中心Shenzhen Nanshan District Integrated Media Center2023年12月20日Dec. 20th, 2023



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