2020-04-26 10:04:44
四、作品征集要求(一)活动主题:黄河文化·农耕文明(二)作品征集时间:2020年4月20日起,投稿截止时间为2020年6月10日。(三)开幕式时间:2020年9月20日—2020年9月24日。(四)创作范围1、GRC材料作品:可根据活动主题“黄河文化·农耕文明”进行创作,也可结合万荣地理环境、人文历史等地方特色提供创意。设计方案需契合主题,与环境完美结合。2、材料类型:以适合黄河湿地环境及室外摆放的材料为主,包括GRC材料、石材、金属等。3、特邀题材:特邀艺术家可根据活动主题定向创作。(五)征稿要求1、作品要符合活动主题,融入当地环境,必须是作者本人原创作品。2、作品数量及类型:户外景观雕塑20件(包括GRC材料作品2件)。3、作品规格:作品长度或高度不低于3米,GRC材料作品长度不低于10米,具体尺寸可根据周边环境适当调整。4、提交作品要求:每位艺术家详细填写申请表信息,连同jpg格式的作品图片一同提交,图片文件名请以作品名称命名。每位艺术家提交2--4件参选作品,超出或低于要求将取消参选资格。入选作者提供模型材质应与作品实际材质相同,长或高不低于30cm,请根据本次活动的主题及环境条件认真考虑并提交方案。5、作品奖励:每位入选艺术家人民币6万元(税后),特邀艺术家人民币10万元(税后),以上奖金均含雕塑定稿小样制作费。参加雕塑家将获得万荣县人民政府颁发的荣誉证书,作品及小稿模型由万荣县永久收藏。 6、投稿联系方式:王浩杰电子邮箱:WRDSDZ2020@163.com手机:15066818472
七、活动宣传(一)邀请全国、省雕塑艺术协会的有关权威人士及相关媒体参与报道,各大媒体网站、地方电视台跟踪报道。(二)出版画册,详细记录整个活动的每个瞬间,为活动留下资料。(三)媒体支持:新华网、搜狐网、新浪网、光明网、雕塑头条、中国公共艺术网 、中国工艺美术网、中国轻工信息网、头条新闻等。
1. OriginWanrong county is located in the East Bank of the Yellow River at the intersection of Fenhe River and the Yellow River, in the southwest of Shanxi Province and in the northwest of Yuncheng City, which is the junction of North China, northwest and Central Plains. Wanrong county is adjacent to Yellow River in the West and faces Hancheng city in Shaanxi Province, Gufeng mountain in the south is connected with Linyi County and Saline Lake District, Jiwang mountain in the East is connected with Wenxi County, and Emei platform in the north is adjacent to Hejin city. Wanrong county is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. It is recorded in the historical books that emperor Xuanyuan, swept the floor to sacrifice the Houtu for the altar to Emperor Zhenzong of Song Dynasty on the "fenyinpu". There were eight emperors who sacrificed in the Houtu temple for 24 times, among which Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty offered sacrifices to the Houtu for 7 times and left the eternal masterpiece "autumn wind lyrics".Wanrong county has a profound historical and cultural heritage, unique and excellent geographical location, rich and colorful tourism resources, excellent and diverse agricultural and sideline products, and has the best conditions to develop into an internationally famous tourism destination. From the aspect of historical culture and regional characteristics, historical sites and natural landscapes such as Houtu temple, Dongyue Temple, Lijia courtyard, Yellow River Wetland and Gufeng mountain are a high-quality tourist route, which not only enables tourists to deeply experience and feel the important position of Wanrong in the long history, but also feels the extensive and profound Chinese traditional culture.Wanrong county has China's mother river - the Yellow River and Shanxi's mother river - Fenhe River. The unique geographical location, rich and vast wetland environment, and exotic loess gullies are the best places to build sculpture and art park. The construction of a sculpture and art park with the theme of "Yellow River Culture" between the two rivers corresponds to the two river basins (Euphrates River and Tigris River), the birthplace of world civilization. It will become the world-famous, the only domestic and world-famous tourist destination. The Yellow River Culture International Sculpture Exhibition, Wanrong will invite famous artists from China and abroad to create and implement the park according to the wetland and gully environment, so as to build the park into an art resort that has an impact in China and abroad.
2. ThemeTheme interpretation: Yellow River Culture & Farming CivilizationIn September 2019, the general secretary of P.R.C. Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the Symposium on ecological protection and high quality development of the Yellow Rive Basin: "the Yellow River culture is an important part of Chinese civilization and the root and soul of the Chinese nation. We should promote the systematic protection of the cultural heritage of the Yellow River and keep the precious heritage left by our ancestors. We should deeply tap the era value of the Yellow River culture, tell a good story of the Yellow River, continue the historical context, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and gather spiritual strength for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. " The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation. The Yellow River culture rooted in the Yellow River Basin is the most representative and influential subject culture in Chinese civilization.Therefore, taking "Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization" as the theme, through in-depth excavation of the cultural connotation of the Yellow River, carrying forward the spirit of farming civilization, supporting the creation and production of public art of the Yellow River culture in the new era, and holding "Yellow River Culture International Sculpture Exhibition Wanrong China ", it is helpful to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the Yellow River culture, so as to continuously enrich the presentation of the Yellow River culture to carry forward the Yellow River culture and farming civilization, and make it live forever.
3. OrganizationHost:People's Government of Wanrong CountyPublic Art Committee of China Culture Promotion Association.Curator: Yuanqiu Li, Chairman of Public Art Committee of China Association for the Promotion of CulturalIndustry
4. Submission Requirements(1) Theme: Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization(2) Submission Date: April 20 to June 10, 2020(3) Opening Ceremony: September 20 to September 24, 2020(4) Range of the Works:a. GRC material works: Proposals can be created either according to the theme of "Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization" or combination with Wanrong's geographical environment, human history and other local characteristics. The proposal needs to fit the theme and integrate perfectly with the environment.b. Material: Suitable for Yellow River wetland and outdoor environment, including GRC material, stone, metal, etc.(5) Requirementsa. The proposal must conform to the theme and be integrated into the local environment. It must be the original creation of the author.b. Number and type of works: 20 Outdoor landscape sculptures (including 2 GRC material works).c. Specification: the length or height of the work shall not be less than 3m, and the length of GRC material work shall not be less than 10m. The specific size can be adjusted appropriately according to the surrounding environment.d. Requirements for submitting works: Each artist fills in the application form information in detail, and submits it together with the proposal pictures in JPG format. Please name the picture file with the proposal’s name. Each artist can only submit 2 to 4 proposals. EXCEED or LESS thanthe requirements will be disqualified. The model material provided by the selected artist shall be the same as the actual material of the work, with the length or height no less than 30cm. Please consider carefully and submit the application according to the theme and environmental conditions of this event.e. Awards for works: RMB60000 Yuan (after tax) for each selected artist. The above awards include the cost for producing the model of the finial-selected works. Participating sculptors will receive the honorary certificate issued by the people's Government of Wanrong County, and the models will be permanently collected by Wanrong county.f. Contact: Gracely Yan LuEmail: wrdsdz2020@163.com
5. About Selection and Production Process of Final Selected Works(1) Two rounds of selection system are adopted in the selection of proposals. In the first round, select 100 proposals from all artists’ submissions. In the second round, 50 proposals will be selected from the first round. Finally, 20 works will be selected from the second round and recommended to the Organizing Committee for finial confirmation.(2) Production Process: the organizing committee will notify all the finial-selected works. Everyselected proposal is required to submit the sculpture model made by the artist in the limited time, and all the finial large works will be processed and produced by the manufacturers determined by the implementing units through bidding and procurement in China.
6. Event Activities(1) Outdoor large-scale sculpture exhibition: 20 finial selected large sculptures in this exhibitionwill be exhibited in the Yellow River Wetland Park of Wanrong county. (2) Academic Seminar: During the opening ceremony, domestic and foreign artists and invited guests will discuss about the topics of “Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization” and provide sustainable development suggestions and cases of Yellow River culture from different perspectives, different cultural backgrounds and different nationalities.
7. Media Promotion (1) Invite relevant authorities of national and provincial sculpture art associations and relevant media to participate in the reporting. Major media websites and local television stations follow up the reporting.(2) Publish Catalogues, record every moment of the whole activity in detail, and record the information for the activity.(3) Media support: Xinhua, Sohu, Sina, Guangming, Sculpture Headlines, China Public Art Network, China Arts and Crafts Network, China Light Industry Information, headline news, etc.
Organization Committee ofThe Yellow River Culture International Sculpture Exhibition Wanrong, ChinaApril 20 2020
Attachment: Application Form
Below email box for Chinese artist downloading application form ONLY.For international artist downloading/requiring the application form, please contact the email address listed in the announcement.
四、作品征集要求(一)活动主题:黄河文化·农耕文明(二)作品征集时间:2020年4月20日起,投稿截止时间为2020年6月10日。(三)开幕式时间:2020年9月20日—2020年9月24日。(四)创作范围1、GRC材料作品:可根据活动主题“黄河文化·农耕文明”进行创作,也可结合万荣地理环境、人文历史等地方特色提供创意。设计方案需契合主题,与环境完美结合。2、材料类型:以适合黄河湿地环境及室外摆放的材料为主,包括GRC材料、石材、金属等。3、特邀题材:特邀艺术家可根据活动主题定向创作。(五)征稿要求1、作品要符合活动主题,融入当地环境,必须是作者本人原创作品。2、作品数量及类型:户外景观雕塑20件(包括GRC材料作品2件)。3、作品规格:作品长度或高度不低于3米,GRC材料作品长度不低于10米,具体尺寸可根据周边环境适当调整。4、提交作品要求:每位艺术家详细填写申请表信息,连同jpg格式的作品图片一同提交,图片文件名请以作品名称命名。每位艺术家提交2--4件参选作品,超出或低于要求将取消参选资格。入选作者提供模型材质应与作品实际材质相同,长或高不低于30cm,请根据本次活动的主题及环境条件认真考虑并提交方案。5、作品奖励:每位入选艺术家人民币6万元(税后),特邀艺术家人民币10万元(税后),以上奖金均含雕塑定稿小样制作费。参加雕塑家将获得万荣县人民政府颁发的荣誉证书,作品及小稿模型由万荣县永久收藏。 6、投稿联系方式:王浩杰电子邮箱:WRDSDZ2020@163.com手机:15066818472
七、活动宣传(一)邀请全国、省雕塑艺术协会的有关权威人士及相关媒体参与报道,各大媒体网站、地方电视台跟踪报道。(二)出版画册,详细记录整个活动的每个瞬间,为活动留下资料。(三)媒体支持:新华网、搜狐网、新浪网、光明网、雕塑头条、中国公共艺术网 、中国工艺美术网、中国轻工信息网、头条新闻等。
1. OriginWanrong county is located in the East Bank of the Yellow River at the intersection of Fenhe River and the Yellow River, in the southwest of Shanxi Province and in the northwest of Yuncheng City, which is the junction of North China, northwest and Central Plains. Wanrong county is adjacent to Yellow River in the West and faces Hancheng city in Shaanxi Province, Gufeng mountain in the south is connected with Linyi County and Saline Lake District, Jiwang mountain in the East is connected with Wenxi County, and Emei platform in the north is adjacent to Hejin city. Wanrong county is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. It is recorded in the historical books that emperor Xuanyuan, swept the floor to sacrifice the Houtu for the altar to Emperor Zhenzong of Song Dynasty on the "fenyinpu". There were eight emperors who sacrificed in the Houtu temple for 24 times, among which Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty offered sacrifices to the Houtu for 7 times and left the eternal masterpiece "autumn wind lyrics".Wanrong county has a profound historical and cultural heritage, unique and excellent geographical location, rich and colorful tourism resources, excellent and diverse agricultural and sideline products, and has the best conditions to develop into an internationally famous tourism destination. From the aspect of historical culture and regional characteristics, historical sites and natural landscapes such as Houtu temple, Dongyue Temple, Lijia courtyard, Yellow River Wetland and Gufeng mountain are a high-quality tourist route, which not only enables tourists to deeply experience and feel the important position of Wanrong in the long history, but also feels the extensive and profound Chinese traditional culture.Wanrong county has China's mother river - the Yellow River and Shanxi's mother river - Fenhe River. The unique geographical location, rich and vast wetland environment, and exotic loess gullies are the best places to build sculpture and art park. The construction of a sculpture and art park with the theme of "Yellow River Culture" between the two rivers corresponds to the two river basins (Euphrates River and Tigris River), the birthplace of world civilization. It will become the world-famous, the only domestic and world-famous tourist destination. The Yellow River Culture International Sculpture Exhibition, Wanrong will invite famous artists from China and abroad to create and implement the park according to the wetland and gully environment, so as to build the park into an art resort that has an impact in China and abroad.
2. ThemeTheme interpretation: Yellow River Culture & Farming CivilizationIn September 2019, the general secretary of P.R.C. Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the Symposium on ecological protection and high quality development of the Yellow Rive Basin: "the Yellow River culture is an important part of Chinese civilization and the root and soul of the Chinese nation. We should promote the systematic protection of the cultural heritage of the Yellow River and keep the precious heritage left by our ancestors. We should deeply tap the era value of the Yellow River culture, tell a good story of the Yellow River, continue the historical context, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and gather spiritual strength for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. " The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation. The Yellow River culture rooted in the Yellow River Basin is the most representative and influential subject culture in Chinese civilization.Therefore, taking "Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization" as the theme, through in-depth excavation of the cultural connotation of the Yellow River, carrying forward the spirit of farming civilization, supporting the creation and production of public art of the Yellow River culture in the new era, and holding "Yellow River Culture International Sculpture Exhibition Wanrong China ", it is helpful to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the Yellow River culture, so as to continuously enrich the presentation of the Yellow River culture to carry forward the Yellow River culture and farming civilization, and make it live forever.
3. OrganizationHost:People's Government of Wanrong CountyPublic Art Committee of China Culture Promotion Association.Curator: Yuanqiu Li, Chairman of Public Art Committee of China Association for the Promotion of CulturalIndustry
4. Submission Requirements(1) Theme: Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization(2) Submission Date: April 20 to June 10, 2020(3) Opening Ceremony: September 20 to September 24, 2020(4) Range of the Works:a. GRC material works: Proposals can be created either according to the theme of "Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization" or combination with Wanrong's geographical environment, human history and other local characteristics. The proposal needs to fit the theme and integrate perfectly with the environment.b. Material: Suitable for Yellow River wetland and outdoor environment, including GRC material, stone, metal, etc.(5) Requirementsa. The proposal must conform to the theme and be integrated into the local environment. It must be the original creation of the author.b. Number and type of works: 20 Outdoor landscape sculptures (including 2 GRC material works).c. Specification: the length or height of the work shall not be less than 3m, and the length of GRC material work shall not be less than 10m. The specific size can be adjusted appropriately according to the surrounding environment.d. Requirements for submitting works: Each artist fills in the application form information in detail, and submits it together with the proposal pictures in JPG format. Please name the picture file with the proposal’s name. Each artist can only submit 2 to 4 proposals. EXCEED or LESS thanthe requirements will be disqualified. The model material provided by the selected artist shall be the same as the actual material of the work, with the length or height no less than 30cm. Please consider carefully and submit the application according to the theme and environmental conditions of this event.e. Awards for works: RMB60000 Yuan (after tax) for each selected artist. The above awards include the cost for producing the model of the finial-selected works. Participating sculptors will receive the honorary certificate issued by the people's Government of Wanrong County, and the models will be permanently collected by Wanrong county.f. Contact: Gracely Yan LuEmail: wrdsdz2020@163.com
5. About Selection and Production Process of Final Selected Works(1) Two rounds of selection system are adopted in the selection of proposals. In the first round, select 100 proposals from all artists’ submissions. In the second round, 50 proposals will be selected from the first round. Finally, 20 works will be selected from the second round and recommended to the Organizing Committee for finial confirmation.(2) Production Process: the organizing committee will notify all the finial-selected works. Everyselected proposal is required to submit the sculpture model made by the artist in the limited time, and all the finial large works will be processed and produced by the manufacturers determined by the implementing units through bidding and procurement in China.
6. Event Activities(1) Outdoor large-scale sculpture exhibition: 20 finial selected large sculptures in this exhibitionwill be exhibited in the Yellow River Wetland Park of Wanrong county. (2) Academic Seminar: During the opening ceremony, domestic and foreign artists and invited guests will discuss about the topics of “Yellow River Culture and Farming Civilization” and provide sustainable development suggestions and cases of Yellow River culture from different perspectives, different cultural backgrounds and different nationalities.
7. Media Promotion (1) Invite relevant authorities of national and provincial sculpture art associations and relevant media to participate in the reporting. Major media websites and local television stations follow up the reporting.(2) Publish Catalogues, record every moment of the whole activity in detail, and record the information for the activity.(3) Media support: Xinhua, Sohu, Sina, Guangming, Sculpture Headlines, China Public Art Network, China Arts and Crafts Network, China Light Industry Information, headline news, etc.
Organization Committee ofThe Yellow River Culture International Sculpture Exhibition Wanrong, ChinaApril 20 2020
Attachment: Application Form
Below email box for Chinese artist downloading application form ONLY.For international artist downloading/requiring the application form, please contact the email address listed in the announcement.