20000元 2020泰达杯青年创意设计大赛·全球开始啦
2020-05-05 14:05:58
全球合作伙伴 worldwide partners
印度工业联合会Confederation of Indian Industry
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's development process. Founded in 1895, India's premier business association has around 9000 members, from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from around 265 national and regional sectoral industry bodies.
新加坡设计业总商会Design Business Chamber Singapore
新加坡设计业总商会 (DBCS) 成立于1985 年,为新加坡主要跨领域的设计商务中心,其成员由超过190 位的商业菁英、专业人士与学术人才组成的多元背景。本协会也是年度新加坡优良设计标志奖 (Singapore Design Awards) 的主办单位,提供了能自由挥洒创造力的完善平台与奖项,让新加坡与邻近地区的杰出企业与优秀设计师一展设计长才。DBCS 旨在透过跨区域的国际合作提升设计力并创造新商机。
With its roots dating back to 1985, Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS) is Singapore's premiere multidisciplinary design business chamber, with a dynamic community of over 190 business leaders, practitioners and academia from diverse backgrounds. The Chamber is also the organizer of the annual Singapore Design Awards (SDA). Providing a distinct / noticeable platform where creative excellence in the industry is celebrated, the premiere Awards event recognizes outstanding companies and exemplary designers behind the winning designs of Singapore and the region. DBCS seeks to raise the standard of professional practices and create new business opportunities through cross-collaborations in local and international contexts.
德国品牌设计委员会German Design Council
The German Design Council is one of the world’s leading centres of expertise in communication and knowledge transfer within the design, branding and innovation sectors. Its Foundation currently numbers more than 300 companies among its members. The German Design Council was founded in 1953, at the initiative of the German Federal Parliament, to support and enhance design expertise in the German economy. It pursues a wide range of activities with a single goal: to promote awareness of how to increase brand value on a sustained basis through the strategic use of design.
莫斯科国际平面设计双年展金蜂奖Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee
莫斯科国际平面设计双年展金蜂奖集结了全球最优异的平面设计成果。莫斯科双年展 (Moscow Biennial) 创立于1992年,曾经于2002年停办,并于2004年复展。莫斯科双年展致力于推动国际合作的深化,提高平面设计的文化地位,协助提升设计行业中创意与精神层次的潜力,形塑高价值的方向引导,展示现代视觉文化的发展趋势,并同时驱动现代视觉文化的发展。
Golden Bee collects the best world achievements in graphic design. Biennial was established in 1992. In 2002 realization of Biennial was suspended. In 2004 Golden bee has renewed the flights. Moscow Biennial promoted a deepening of the international cooperation, increased of the cultural status of graphic design, helped escalating of a creative level and spiritual potential of a profession, served formation of high valuable orientations, showed the tendency of development of modern visual culture and was the catalyst of its development.
日本工业设计协会Japan Industrial Designers’Association
JIDA日本工业设计师协会是日本唯一的工业设计师国家组织。创立于1952年,日本工业设计师协会(JIDA)是日本唯一的全国性的工业设计师组织。工业设计作为一个与制造业相关的设计领域,旨在为大规模生产美观实用的工业产品。近年来,整个工业领域 已将“经济发展和改善文化生活方式”作为广泛应用的设计主题。如今,在产业结构转型的大背景下,我们周围的环境正开始显著地改变着生产、分配和消费方式。我们必须克服在工业设计方面比以往任何时候都复杂而多样的困难,肩负起责任。基于我们在过去60年里所建立的设计基础,JIDA将继续为实现真正富裕的生活和高志向社会的远大抱负而稳步发展。The Sole National Organization for Industrial Designers in Japan. Founded in 1952, The Japan Industrial Designers’ Association (JIDA) is the sole nationwide organization for industrial designers in Japan. Industrial design has developed as a design field related to manufacturing(制造业), aiming for "ease of use and beauty" of industrial products for mass production. In recent years, a wide range of the whole industrial field has become the subject of design for "economic development and improvement of lifestyle culture".Today, the environment surrounding us is beginning to change the way of production, distribution and consumption considerably due to the backdrop of industrial structure transformation. We must also overcome the complicated and diverse tasks with responsibilities of industrial design more than ever. Based on the foundation of design we have built over the past 60 years, JIDA will continue to make steady progress toward realizing a truly affluent life and society with a high aspiration.
韩国工业设计协会Korea Association of Industrial Designers
KAID由工业设计师、该领域的教授和工人、专门从事设计的企业和企业会员组成。通过与杰出的人力资源及时有效的沟通,KAID一直为该领域学生的成长和国内工业设计的发展做出积极的贡献。另外,通过与三星电子、LG电子、现代汽车、富士以及爱茉莉太平洋等多家企业的持续交流,KAID也一直是工业设计未来发展的领跑者。在国内外交流方面,KAID作为自46年成立以来在韩国工业设计领域的杰出代表也同样发挥了其主导作用,例如积极参与组织活动和国际会议、招聘企业会员以及向国际组织派遣官员等等。KAID is composed of industrial designers as well as professors and workers of the field, businesses specializing in design, and corporate members. Through fast and clear communication with such excellent human resources, KAID has been serving as an active contributor for the growth of the students of the field and development of the domestic industrial design. In addition, KAID has also been a front runner for the better future of the design industry, through continuous exchanges with various corporate member companies, including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Motors, Fursys, and Amore Pacific. In both domestic and international exchanges, KAID has also played a leading role as an association with the representability in the field of industrial design in Korea for 46 years since its establishment, such as actively participating in organizational activities and international conferences, recruiting corporate members, and dispatching officers to international organizations, and so on.
芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展Lahti International Poster Triennial
芬兰拉赫第国际海报三年展是芬兰的一项国际海报展,主办机构为拉赫第美术馆 (Lahti Art Museum) 旗下的海报美术馆、芬兰视觉传达设计师协会 (Grafia) 以及海报设计师同业公会 (The Poster Friends' Guild)。在所有的海报展览中,拉赫第国际海报三年展享有极为崇高的声望与地位。本三年展与海报美术馆皆创设于1975年,而成立海报美术馆的目的是为了收集、保存并研究海报艺术与平面设计作品。海报美术馆的馆藏累积主要透过的是捐赠,不过也有经购买或託管所取得的作品,目前馆藏一共有约八万张海报。
Lahti Poster Triennial Is an International Poster Exhibition In Finland. It is organized by Lahti Art Museum's Poster Museum, Grafia – Association of Visual Communication Designers in Finland and The Poster Friends' Guild. The Triennial is one of the most important and prestigious of all the poster events. It is the second oldest of all the permanent Poster Exhibitions in the world. Both, the Exhibition and Poster Museum were established in 1975. The aim of the Museum is to collect, deposit and study poster art and graphic design. The collections are augmented mainly through donations but also through purchases and deposits. The collections contain approximately 80 000 posters.
台湾设计联盟Taiwan Design Alliance
台湾设计联盟(Taiwan Design Alliance,TdA),创立缘起以2008年台北获得「国际设计联盟」(International Design Alliance,简称IDA)世界设计大会主办权为契机,为2010年登记核可的社团组织。联盟以会议的形式,凝聚各设计组织的力量,以加强台湾设计界参与国际事务交流与合作。台湾设计联盟为非营利之社团法人,旨在整合台湾设计资源,建立设计交流推广平台,以接轨国际之设计脉动。联盟组成背景涵盖了设计产业界、研究机构及学术领域,结合工业设计、室内设计、视觉传达设计、设计推广、设计研究、设计教育等六大类之专业协会、推广及研究机构、学校,共计15个组织所组成,为台湾最具代表性的专业设计团体。Taiwan Design Alliance, TdA, was founded on the occasion that Taipei won the International Design Alliance, IDA, World Design Conference in 2008 as an opportunity to register and approve associations in 2010. In the form of a conference, TdA unites the strength of various design organizations to strengthen Taiwan ’s design community ’s participation in exchanges and cooperation in international affairs.Taiwan Design Alliance is a non-profit corporation. It aims to integrate Taiwan ’s design resources and establish a design exchange and promotion platform to connect with international design pulses. TdA is the most representative professional design group in Taiwan. The background includes the design industry, research institutions and academic fields. It combines 15 professional associations, promotion and research institutions, schools, which specialize in six fields: industrial design, interior design, visual communication design, design promotion, design research and design education.
活动主题 THEMEACTION 即时行动参赛资格 ELIGIBILITY截止至2020年04月30日,年龄30岁及以下的高校在读学生(大专及以上)2020届应届毕业生、2020级新生皆可报名参加
As of April 30, 2020, all college students under the age of 30 are eligible toparticipate.
征件需求 RWQUIREMENTS ON WORKS能够表达大赛主题 Action的创意设计作品,体现联合国UN 2030 SDGs地球可持续发展目标的价值理念Creative design works which can express the competition theme, Action作品类别 CATEGORIES OF WORKS产品设计类、视觉设计类、数字动画类Product Design, Visual Design, Digital Animation
报名费用 REGISTRATION FEE免缴报名费 Free收件时间 WORK SUBMISSION PERIOD2020年05月01日至07月15日,24:00 (Beijing, GMT +08:00)May 1st to July 15th, 2020, 24:00 (Beijing, GMT +08:00)报名网站 REGISTRATION WEBSITEwww.tedacreativity.com更多请关注公众号:设计竞赛网 ID:design-competition2020泰达杯奖项设置 AWARDS OF 2020 TEDA CUP金、银、铜、佳作及入围奖金奖(产品、动画、视觉)各1名:奖金20,000元人民币、获奖证书银奖(产品、动画、视觉)各2名:奖金10,000元人民币、获奖证书铜奖(产品、动画、视觉)各3名:奖金5,000元人民币、获奖证书佳作(产品、动画、视觉)各10名:奖金1,000元人民币、获奖证书入围(产品、动画、视觉):入围奖颁发获奖证书2020 TEDA Cup sets Gold Prize, Silver Prize, Bronze Prize, Honorable Mention Prize and Finalist PrizeGold Prize (1 winner for each category): RMB 20,000 and a certificate
Silver Prize (2 winners for each category): RMB 10,000 and a certificate
Bronze Prize (3 winners for each category): RMB 5,000 and a certificateHonorable Mention Prize (10 winners for each category): RMB 1,000 and a certificateFinalist Prize: a certificate厂商指定奖 Brand Specified Award城市家具设计1名:奖金5,000元人民币、获奖证书·评审将从产品设计类入围作品中,评选出1名体现城市可持续发展、 环保理念,展现城市文化,彰显城市底蕴的城市家具设计作品·针对此奖项作品,组委会有权进行使用、生产、制造、出版等行为, 但若进行商业开发或售卖行为,必须经创作者同意Street Furniture1 winner: RMB 5,000 and a certificate
From the finalist works of product design, the committee will select one of the streetfurniture design works that embody the concept of sustainable development andenvironmental protection, show the urban culture and manifest the details of the city.The organizing committee has the right to use, produce, manufacture, and publish theworks for this award, but if it is for commercial development or sale, it must be approvedby the creator.
最佳院校组织奖(3-5名学校):奖金20,000元人民币、获奖证书Excellent Organizer (3 to 5 universities):RMB 20,000 and a certificate
Excellent Instructor (8 to 10 instructors):RMB 5,000 and a certificate
授予协会证书Special Prize for International Design Organization
Eight international organizations are expected to be invited.
Every special prize for international design organization will be awarded for each internationaldesign organization. RMB 5,000 and a certificate.联系方式CONTACT
E-mail : tedacupiydc@qq.comWebsite:www.tedacreativity.com
全球合作伙伴 worldwide partners
印度工业联合会Confederation of Indian Industry | |
新加坡设计业总商会 Design Business Chamber Singapore |
德国品牌设计委员会German Design Council | |
莫斯科国际平面设计双年展金蜂奖Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee | |
日本工业设计协会Japan Industrial Designers’Association | |
韩国工业设计协会Korea Association of Industrial Designers | |
芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展Lahti International Poster Triennial | |
台湾设计联盟Taiwan Design Alliance |
印度工业联合会Confederation of Indian Industry
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's development process. Founded in 1895, India's premier business association has around 9000 members, from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from around 265 national and regional sectoral industry bodies.
新加坡设计业总商会Design Business Chamber Singapore
新加坡设计业总商会 (DBCS) 成立于1985 年,为新加坡主要跨领域的设计商务中心,其成员由超过190 位的商业菁英、专业人士与学术人才组成的多元背景。本协会也是年度新加坡优良设计标志奖 (Singapore Design Awards) 的主办单位,提供了能自由挥洒创造力的完善平台与奖项,让新加坡与邻近地区的杰出企业与优秀设计师一展设计长才。DBCS 旨在透过跨区域的国际合作提升设计力并创造新商机。
With its roots dating back to 1985, Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS) is Singapore's premiere multidisciplinary design business chamber, with a dynamic community of over 190 business leaders, practitioners and academia from diverse backgrounds. The Chamber is also the organizer of the annual Singapore Design Awards (SDA). Providing a distinct / noticeable platform where creative excellence in the industry is celebrated, the premiere Awards event recognizes outstanding companies and exemplary designers behind the winning designs of Singapore and the region. DBCS seeks to raise the standard of professional practices and create new business opportunities through cross-collaborations in local and international contexts.
德国品牌设计委员会German Design Council
The German Design Council is one of the world’s leading centres of expertise in communication and knowledge transfer within the design, branding and innovation sectors. Its Foundation currently numbers more than 300 companies among its members. The German Design Council was founded in 1953, at the initiative of the German Federal Parliament, to support and enhance design expertise in the German economy. It pursues a wide range of activities with a single goal: to promote awareness of how to increase brand value on a sustained basis through the strategic use of design.
莫斯科国际平面设计双年展金蜂奖Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee
莫斯科国际平面设计双年展金蜂奖集结了全球最优异的平面设计成果。莫斯科双年展 (Moscow Biennial) 创立于1992年,曾经于2002年停办,并于2004年复展。莫斯科双年展致力于推动国际合作的深化,提高平面设计的文化地位,协助提升设计行业中创意与精神层次的潜力,形塑高价值的方向引导,展示现代视觉文化的发展趋势,并同时驱动现代视觉文化的发展。
Golden Bee collects the best world achievements in graphic design. Biennial was established in 1992. In 2002 realization of Biennial was suspended. In 2004 Golden bee has renewed the flights. Moscow Biennial promoted a deepening of the international cooperation, increased of the cultural status of graphic design, helped escalating of a creative level and spiritual potential of a profession, served formation of high valuable orientations, showed the tendency of development of modern visual culture and was the catalyst of its development.
日本工业设计协会Japan Industrial Designers’Association
JIDA日本工业设计师协会是日本唯一的工业设计师国家组织。创立于1952年,日本工业设计师协会(JIDA)是日本唯一的全国性的工业设计师组织。工业设计作为一个与制造业相关的设计领域,旨在为大规模生产美观实用的工业产品。近年来,整个工业领域 已将“经济发展和改善文化生活方式”作为广泛应用的设计主题。如今,在产业结构转型的大背景下,我们周围的环境正开始显著地改变着生产、分配和消费方式。我们必须克服在工业设计方面比以往任何时候都复杂而多样的困难,肩负起责任。基于我们在过去60年里所建立的设计基础,JIDA将继续为实现真正富裕的生活和高志向社会的远大抱负而稳步发展。The Sole National Organization for Industrial Designers in Japan. Founded in 1952, The Japan Industrial Designers’ Association (JIDA) is the sole nationwide organization for industrial designers in Japan. Industrial design has developed as a design field related to manufacturing(制造业), aiming for "ease of use and beauty" of industrial products for mass production. In recent years, a wide range of the whole industrial field has become the subject of design for "economic development and improvement of lifestyle culture".Today, the environment surrounding us is beginning to change the way of production, distribution and consumption considerably due to the backdrop of industrial structure transformation. We must also overcome the complicated and diverse tasks with responsibilities of industrial design more than ever. Based on the foundation of design we have built over the past 60 years, JIDA will continue to make steady progress toward realizing a truly affluent life and society with a high aspiration.
韩国工业设计协会Korea Association of Industrial Designers
KAID由工业设计师、该领域的教授和工人、专门从事设计的企业和企业会员组成。通过与杰出的人力资源及时有效的沟通,KAID一直为该领域学生的成长和国内工业设计的发展做出积极的贡献。另外,通过与三星电子、LG电子、现代汽车、富士以及爱茉莉太平洋等多家企业的持续交流,KAID也一直是工业设计未来发展的领跑者。在国内外交流方面,KAID作为自46年成立以来在韩国工业设计领域的杰出代表也同样发挥了其主导作用,例如积极参与组织活动和国际会议、招聘企业会员以及向国际组织派遣官员等等。KAID is composed of industrial designers as well as professors and workers of the field, businesses specializing in design, and corporate members. Through fast and clear communication with such excellent human resources, KAID has been serving as an active contributor for the growth of the students of the field and development of the domestic industrial design. In addition, KAID has also been a front runner for the better future of the design industry, through continuous exchanges with various corporate member companies, including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Motors, Fursys, and Amore Pacific. In both domestic and international exchanges, KAID has also played a leading role as an association with the representability in the field of industrial design in Korea for 46 years since its establishment, such as actively participating in organizational activities and international conferences, recruiting corporate members, and dispatching officers to international organizations, and so on.
芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展Lahti International Poster Triennial
芬兰拉赫第国际海报三年展是芬兰的一项国际海报展,主办机构为拉赫第美术馆 (Lahti Art Museum) 旗下的海报美术馆、芬兰视觉传达设计师协会 (Grafia) 以及海报设计师同业公会 (The Poster Friends' Guild)。在所有的海报展览中,拉赫第国际海报三年展享有极为崇高的声望与地位。本三年展与海报美术馆皆创设于1975年,而成立海报美术馆的目的是为了收集、保存并研究海报艺术与平面设计作品。海报美术馆的馆藏累积主要透过的是捐赠,不过也有经购买或託管所取得的作品,目前馆藏一共有约八万张海报。
Lahti Poster Triennial Is an International Poster Exhibition In Finland. It is organized by Lahti Art Museum's Poster Museum, Grafia – Association of Visual Communication Designers in Finland and The Poster Friends' Guild. The Triennial is one of the most important and prestigious of all the poster events. It is the second oldest of all the permanent Poster Exhibitions in the world. Both, the Exhibition and Poster Museum were established in 1975. The aim of the Museum is to collect, deposit and study poster art and graphic design. The collections are augmented mainly through donations but also through purchases and deposits. The collections contain approximately 80 000 posters.
台湾设计联盟Taiwan Design Alliance
台湾设计联盟(Taiwan Design Alliance,TdA),创立缘起以2008年台北获得「国际设计联盟」(International Design Alliance,简称IDA)世界设计大会主办权为契机,为2010年登记核可的社团组织。联盟以会议的形式,凝聚各设计组织的力量,以加强台湾设计界参与国际事务交流与合作。台湾设计联盟为非营利之社团法人,旨在整合台湾设计资源,建立设计交流推广平台,以接轨国际之设计脉动。联盟组成背景涵盖了设计产业界、研究机构及学术领域,结合工业设计、室内设计、视觉传达设计、设计推广、设计研究、设计教育等六大类之专业协会、推广及研究机构、学校,共计15个组织所组成,为台湾最具代表性的专业设计团体。Taiwan Design Alliance, TdA, was founded on the occasion that Taipei won the International Design Alliance, IDA, World Design Conference in 2008 as an opportunity to register and approve associations in 2010. In the form of a conference, TdA unites the strength of various design organizations to strengthen Taiwan ’s design community ’s participation in exchanges and cooperation in international affairs.Taiwan Design Alliance is a non-profit corporation. It aims to integrate Taiwan ’s design resources and establish a design exchange and promotion platform to connect with international design pulses. TdA is the most representative professional design group in Taiwan. The background includes the design industry, research institutions and academic fields. It combines 15 professional associations, promotion and research institutions, schools, which specialize in six fields: industrial design, interior design, visual communication design, design promotion, design research and design education.
活动主题 THEMEACTION 即时行动参赛资格 ELIGIBILITY截止至2020年04月30日,年龄30岁及以下的高校在读学生(大专及以上)2020届应届毕业生、2020级新生皆可报名参加
As of April 30, 2020, all college students under the age of 30 are eligible toparticipate.
征件需求 RWQUIREMENTS ON WORKS能够表达大赛主题 Action的创意设计作品,体现联合国UN 2030 SDGs地球可持续发展目标的价值理念Creative design works which can express the competition theme, Action作品类别 CATEGORIES OF WORKS产品设计类、视觉设计类、数字动画类Product Design, Visual Design, Digital Animation
报名费用 REGISTRATION FEE免缴报名费 Free收件时间 WORK SUBMISSION PERIOD2020年05月01日至07月15日,24:00 (Beijing, GMT +08:00)May 1st to July 15th, 2020, 24:00 (Beijing, GMT +08:00)报名网站 REGISTRATION WEBSITEwww.tedacreativity.com更多请关注公众号:设计竞赛网 ID:design-competition2020泰达杯奖项设置 AWARDS OF 2020 TEDA CUP金、银、铜、佳作及入围奖金奖(产品、动画、视觉)各1名:奖金20,000元人民币、获奖证书银奖(产品、动画、视觉)各2名:奖金10,000元人民币、获奖证书铜奖(产品、动画、视觉)各3名:奖金5,000元人民币、获奖证书佳作(产品、动画、视觉)各10名:奖金1,000元人民币、获奖证书入围(产品、动画、视觉):入围奖颁发获奖证书2020 TEDA Cup sets Gold Prize, Silver Prize, Bronze Prize, Honorable Mention Prize and Finalist PrizeGold Prize (1 winner for each category): RMB 20,000 and a certificate
Silver Prize (2 winners for each category): RMB 10,000 and a certificate
Bronze Prize (3 winners for each category): RMB 5,000 and a certificateHonorable Mention Prize (10 winners for each category): RMB 1,000 and a certificateFinalist Prize: a certificate厂商指定奖 Brand Specified Award城市家具设计1名:奖金5,000元人民币、获奖证书·评审将从产品设计类入围作品中,评选出1名体现城市可持续发展、 环保理念,展现城市文化,彰显城市底蕴的城市家具设计作品·针对此奖项作品,组委会有权进行使用、生产、制造、出版等行为, 但若进行商业开发或售卖行为,必须经创作者同意Street Furniture1 winner: RMB 5,000 and a certificate
From the finalist works of product design, the committee will select one of the streetfurniture design works that embody the concept of sustainable development andenvironmental protection, show the urban culture and manifest the details of the city.The organizing committee has the right to use, produce, manufacture, and publish theworks for this award, but if it is for commercial development or sale, it must be approvedby the creator.
最佳院校组织奖(3-5名学校):奖金20,000元人民币、获奖证书Excellent Organizer (3 to 5 universities):RMB 20,000 and a certificate
Excellent Instructor (8 to 10 instructors):RMB 5,000 and a certificate
授予协会证书Special Prize for International Design Organization
Eight international organizations are expected to be invited.
Every special prize for international design organization will be awarded for each internationaldesign organization. RMB 5,000 and a certificate.联系方式CONTACT
E-mail : tedacupiydc@qq.comWebsite:www.tedacreativity.com