场所是一个时代的语言符号,城乡进化的过程在于对所处时代的积极回应。建筑与生活、建筑与自然环境的关系,一直是人类文明探讨的课题,找寻具有场所感的空间,“望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁”,还需深入探讨当代人对建筑与乡村环境的复杂需求。人与人、人与自然和谐相处是我们的理想生活状态。绿水青山就是金山银山,国际可持续发展理念蕴含着乡村建设与产业、文化、旅游、生活的有机结合,让乡愁变得可感可知,需要各行各业的不断探索,最终实现乡村及其文化的保护与传承。Place is the language symbol of an era, and the process of urban and rural evolution lies in the positive response to the times. The relationship between architecture and life, architecture and natural environment has always been the subject of human civilization. To find a space with a sense of place, "seeing mountains, seeing water, remembering nostalgia", we need to deeply explore the complex needs of contemporary people for architecture and rural environment. It is our ideal living condition to live in harmony with people and nature. Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. The concept of international sustainable development contains the organic combination of rural construction and industry, culture, tourism and life, which makes homesickness perceptible. It needs the continuous exploration of all walks of life, and finally realizes the protection and inheritance of rural and its culture.
Combine the protection and inheritance of the countryside culture with holiday travel and to build an ecological community which organically integrate human and nature or human and place.
项目位置中国安徽省芜湖市湾沚区红杨镇和平森林公园内建设用地面积9261.67㎡容积率不大于1.2规划面积森林公园内结合周边用地综合规划,原则上面积不大于500亩。产品以度假旅游产品为主,可考虑配套乐园、森林城堡等其他配套设施或产品。Title AnalysisYou will consider:-How to design the architecture with environment as integrated system;-How to improve the area through architecture interventions;-How to integrate the interior and exterior of the architecture, as well as combine the architecture with the surrounding landscape;-Understanding the importance and background of site;-How to build a friendly building in a non-positive environment.LocationPeace Forest Park, Hong yang Town, Wan Zhi District, Wuhu, Anhui Province, ChinaConstruction Area9261.67㎡Plot RatioNot more than 1.2Planning AreaIn principle, the area of forest park should not be more than 500 Mu with the comspanhensive planning of surrounding land.ProductThe product will largely focus on the holiday tourism, and consider supporting park, Forest castle and other facilities and products.和平森林公园地形图
Topographic Map of Peace Forest Park
以健康休闲度假为核心功能,以自然山水为基础承载,以芜湖湾沚区红杨镇生态旅游度假示范区为主体,整合周边健康体验要素,实现由原有传统观光方式向健康生活方式的转变,打造大健康旅游度假圈。Competition PurposeThe aim of competition is to make healthy leisure vacation as the core function, the natural element as the basis, and use the eco-tourism holiday demonstration area in Hongyang Town, is taken as the main body to integrate surrounding health experience elements. Realize the transformation from the original traditional way of tourism to healthy lifestyle, to create healthy tourism holiday circle.设计要求
a) 设计竞赛者应为芜湖市湾沚区红杨镇提供并展示他们的设计解决方案;
b) 设计应充分考虑场地环境因素;
c) 结合当下热点、具备项目亮点;
d) 方案需符合自然健康回归、全龄全时体验、旅游度假圈的设计理念,同时具有原创性、未来性的创新策略,应当能够为整个芜湖红杨镇生态旅游度假示范区的发展做出友好贡献。
Design Requirementsa)Designer should provide and spansent their design solutions for the Hongyang town;b)The site environmental factors should be fully considered in the design;c)Combine current hot spots and project highlights;d)The program should be consistent with natural health return, full-age and full-time experience, tourism resort design concept. And it has original and future innovative strategy, which is able to contribute to the development of the whole Hongyang Eco-tourism resort demonstration area.02组织机构
Organizations支持机构上海市建筑学会、世界华人建筑师协会主办单位MRD鼎世集团战略指导单位芜湖市湾沚区人民政府、芜湖市文化和旅游局联合主办单位芜湖市红杨镇人民政府支持院校东南大学建筑学院哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院威尼斯建筑大学媒体支持《建筑实践》、央广网、中国网、中国经济网、新浪网科技、搜狐网新闻、网易新闻、凤凰网、新华网文化、中国艺术设计联盟、中国设计网、中国设计秀、致设计网、中国设计之窗、非常设计师网、设计本、设计帝国、中国设计联盟网、建筑师杂志、世弘文化...Supporting Institutions
Hosting Organization
MRD Group
Strategic Guidance
People's Government of Wuhu City Wan Zhi District, Wuhu Culture and Tourist Administration
Co-hosting Organization
People's Government of Hongyang,Wuhu
Supporting Universities & Colleges
School of Architecture, Southeast University
School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology
School of Architecture and Planning, Shenyang Jianzhu University
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Universita IUAV Di Venezia
Media support
<Architecture Practice>,CNR News, China Net, China Economic, Sina Science, Sohu, Phoenix Net, Xinhua Culture, China Art and Design Alliance Design, China Design Show, Zhisheji, China Design Window, Architecture Magazine, SHOCA Culture….
Evaluation Commmittee评委会主席周琦东南大学建筑学院 教授、博士生导师联合国科教文组织国际建筑科学院 教授国际建筑科学院(IAA) 特聘教授
佩尔·埃里克·比约尔森(意大利)威尼斯建筑大学 博士意大利著名设计师意大利建筑设计协会 创始人赵伟峰天作建筑设计研究院院长、总建筑师,教授及博士生导师
中国建筑学会工业建筑委员会 常务理事
金秋野北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院 常务副院长、教授、博士生导师中国建筑学会 理事北京未来城市高精尖创新中心理论团队PI、学者和建筑评论家
邹强(法国)Zone of Utopoia 建筑事务所主持人法国注册建筑师世界华人建筑师协会 常务理事
宫本洋(德国)DERWALD建筑集团 董事德国盖博建筑事务所 亚太区总监世界华人建筑师协会 常务理事
邱信贤哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 特聘教授/ 策展人/ 博导哈尔滨工业大学数字创新设计中心 常务副主任美国UC Berkeley环境设计学院国际建筑交流策展人暨媒体联络人
谢璇鼎世集团董事、鼎实建筑总裁中国建筑文化研究会商业旅游建筑文化委员会 常务理事
Chairman of the Jury
Qi ZhouProfessor, Doctoral Avisor, SEU-ARCHProfessor, International Academy of Architecture, UNESCODistinguished Professor, IAA
Jury Members
(The following rankings are in no particular order)
Per Erik Bjornsen(Italy)Doctor of Universita IUAV Di VeneziaFamous Italian DesignersFounder of Italian Architectural Design Association
Weifeng ZhaoPresident, Chief Architect, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Tianzuo Architectural Design and Research Institute Executive Director of industrial Building Committee of Chinese Architectural Society.
QiuYe JinProfessor, Executive Vice-Dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA)Member of the Architectural Society of ChinaArchitectural scholar and critic. Host of Architectural Criticism Research Institute of BUCEAQiang Zou(French)Director of Architectural Office, Zone of Utopoia French Registered Architect Executive Director of the World Association of Chinese Architects
Benyang Gong (Germany) Director, DERWALD Construction Group Asia Pacific Director of Geber Executive Director of the World Association of Chinese Architects
Hsin-Hsien ChiuDistinguished Professor/ Curator/ PhD Supervisor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of TechnologyExecutive Director, Center for Digital Design & Innovation, HITCurator/ Media Contact, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley
Chief Coordinator of Jury Members
Xuan Xie
Director of MRD Group, Chairman of De-Design Architectural
Executive member of the council,CommercialTourism Architectural Culture Committee of China Architectural Culture Research Society
04申报须知 & 要求
Notifications & Requirements竞赛规则a)本竞赛采取全球范围内高校学生与社会各界人士同时报名、公开竞赛的方式;b)以个人或小组形式参赛,每组成员不超过3人,指导教师不超过2名;
e)比例与尺寸一律采用公制单位。注:高校学生应为经教育部认证的建筑及相关专业学生【含全日制在校大学生(包括本科和专科)、硕士研究生(全日制及含2018年之后的非全日制研究生)、全日制博士研究生及2020年毕业的学生】。Competition Rulea)The competition accept the application from global college students and all classes of society. b)The way of participate could be individual or in groups with no more than 3 members and no more than 2 instructors;c)In the form of group registration, only the group leader is responsible for contact;d)All proportions and dimensions should be in metric units.(Notice: College students should be architecture and related major accredited by the Ministry of Education【Full-time college student(Including undergraduate and junior college), postgraduate students, full-time postgraduate students and part-time postgraduate students after 2018, full-time doctoral students and graduates in 2020】.)
a) 立即注册
1.长按文末二维码进行“在线报名”,提交后可获取【参赛报名号】,请及时保存。同时,系统将根据报名时填写的手机号,发送提醒短信,以确认是否报名成功。2.文末获取资料(报奖资料:①竞赛通知②作品介绍PPT模板 ③和平养生谷场地地形图)。
经过精心准备,参赛者务必于2021年2月20日前“提交成果”,统一发送至mrdcup@mrd.sg,邮件标题为“参赛报名号+参赛作品标题+姓名+联系手机”,提交成果包括:①作品介绍PPT(以设计者姓名命名的PPT), 放置在命名为“1图纸”的文件夹中;②可以说明设计意图的主要图片(至少三张),放置在命名为“2ppt”的文件夹中;③将“1图纸”、“2ppt”两个文件夹一并打包压缩文件格式为zip或rar,总大小不超过100M,不小于50M。
Entry Process
a) Regist Now
1.Please long spanss the QR code at the end of the article to "online registration", and you will get the entry number, please save it immediately. At the same time , The system will send a reminder message to confirm whether the registration is successful according to the phone number filled in during the registration. 2.Click the bottom left corner of the article "read the original" and download Award material (including: ①competition notice; ② PPT template of works introduction; ③ topographic map of PeaceHealth Valley).b) Submit Works
After careful spanparation, contestants must submit their results to mrdcup@mrd.sg with an email title of "Entry number + Entry title + Name + Contactphone" before 20th February, 2021. The works include:①PPT (PPT named after the designer) should be placed in the folder of "1 drawing";②The main pictures (at least three) that can explain the design intention should be placed in the folder of "2PPT";③Pack 1 and 2 folders together in zip or RAR format, the total size is not more than 100M, not less than 50M.05获奖权益
AWARD一等奖 1组获奖证书+奖金10万元人民币(含税)或$15000(含税);二等奖 2组获奖证书+奖金各5万元人民币(含税)或$7000(含税); 三等奖 5组获奖证书+奖金各2万元人民币(含税)或$3000(含税);注:若获奖者为高校学生,则也可为其导师颁发获奖证书及5000元人民币(含税)或$700(含税)1st Prize (1 team)Certificate and 100,000 RMB (approx. 15,000USD) (before tax);2nd Prize (2 teams)Certificate and 50,000 RMB (approx.,7,000 USD) (before tax);3rd Prize (5 teams)Certificate and 20,000 RMB (approx. 3,000 USD) (before tax)Note: If the winner is collegue student, the tutor also could have certification and 5,000 RMB (approx. 700 USD) (before tax)06评选流程与进度
KEY DATE2020年12月30日-项目发布;
30th December, 2020-Project released;20th February, 2021-Deadlineof project application;6th March, 2021-First Trial;16th March, 2021-Final Judgement.07赛事说明
OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY知识产权归属a) 参赛者拥有参赛作品的版权,但主办方有权行使参赛作品署名权以外的其他版权权利。b) 所有参赛作品必须承诺为原创作品,且无仿冒或侵害他人知识产权,如因剽窃作品、窃取商业秘密等行为所引起的法律责任由参赛者自负;主办方有权取消其作品的参赛及获奖资格,并追回其所获荣誉及奖金。 c) 除主办方和作者授权外,任何单位或个人不得侵犯主办方和作者的上述权利,否则主办方和作者有追究其法律责任的权利。
a) 参赛者在报名时应当提供真实的个人资料,主办方对参赛者身份的真实性不作实质性的审查,主办方将履行保密义务,但个人资料失实将会失去其作品获奖、发表等机会。 b) 主办方一经发现提交材料有不实、剽窃、抄袭、违反评选纪律等行为,有权取消其参赛资格,撤销所获奖项,并要求返还所有奖金,同时对潜在可能发生的侵权责任保留请求赔偿的权利。c) 主办方对参赛项目不收取任何报名费和评审费。 d) 未尽事宜另行通知,主办方对本次大赛保留最终解释权。Ownership of Intellectual Propertya)The entrant owns the copyright of theentry, but the organizer has the right to exercise other copyright rights thanthe right of signature.b)All entries must be original and freefrom counterfeiting or infringement of other people's intellectual property rights. In case of plagiarism, theft of trade secrets and other acts, the legal liability shall be borne by the participants. The organizer has the right tocancel the entry and award-winning qualification of the entries, and recoverthe honor and bonus.c)Except for the authorization of theorganizer and the author, no unit or individual shall infringe upon the aboverights of the organizer and the author, otherwise the organizer and the authorshall have the right to investigate their legal liabilities.Other Instructionsa)Participants should provide truepersonal data when they register. The organizer will not examine theauthenticity of the participants' identity. The organizer will perform theobligation of confidentiality. However, if the personal data is not true, thechances of winning awards and publishing their works will be lost.b)Once the organizer finds that thesubmitted materials are untrue, plagiarized, plagiarized, and in violation ofthe selection discipline, he has the right to cancel his qualification, cancelthe awards he has won, and request the return of all the prizes. At the sametime, he reserves the right to claim compensation for the potential tortliability.c)The organizer does not charge anyregistration fee and assessment fee for the entries.d)The organizer reserves the right offinal explanation for any matters not mentioned above.08联系方式
联系人崔芸 18516214149周倩 15617665205Address
7-8F, Guangming Real Estate Building, 199 Xizang North Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China
Official Website
Yun Cui 18516214149
Qian Zhou 15617665205
在线注册Register Online竞赛的锣鼓已经敲响,来自国内外的评委大师已经准备就绪,你和小伙伴们还等什么,