2021-02-24 09:02:48

难忘的旧岁已远逝,新年已至,怀抱着希望,期盼着在新的一年里能进一步加深以色列和华南地区之间的情谊和纽带。以色列驻华南总领事馆和总领事劳霈乐先生向大家发出邀请:用您的想象力和创造力,为领事馆设计领事馆官徽。以设计为舞台,表达和分享您对两个地区之间感情。获奖作品将作为领事馆活动的官方标志,在以后的活动中使用和展出。The unforgettable old year was far away,and the New Year has arrived. We are looking forward to further deepening the friendship and bond between Israel and Southern China in the New Year. Consul General of Israel in Southern China and Mr. Peleg Lewi, the Consulate General,extend an invitation to everyone: Use your imagination and creativity to design the consulate emblem for the Consulate. See design as a stage to express and share your feelings about the two regions. The winning works will become the official logo of the consulate and will be used and exhibited in future events.
参赛指引 Guidance:
1.投稿邮箱 Submission Email:
2.投稿时间 Submission Period:
3.参赛要求 Entry requirements:
(1)个人或小组形式,每位参赛者仅限投稿一份作品,投稿请附上您的联系方式和简短的作品简介。Individually or in a group, each contestant can only submit one piece of work. Please provide your contact information and a brief description of your work.(2)作品需尊重两国的文化,且能表达中以合作的多样性;欢迎使用两国独特的元素。The proposals should respect the cultures of the two countries and express the diversity of China-Israel cooperation; Welcome to use the unique elements of both countries.(3)在华南地区四省(广东、广西、福建、海南)生活工作的居民和上述省份就读的学生,均可参与。Open to people who are living/working in South China(Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hainan).(4)投稿作品必须是原创作品,并提供矢量格式文件和高清图片(jpg,png等)。The submitted works must be original, and provide vector format files and high-definition picture ( jpg,png,etc. ).(5)领事馆将拥有获奖作品的所有权以及保留在必要时可修改徽标的权利。The Consulate will retain the ownership of the winning entry and reserve the right to modify the logo if necessary.
4.获奖设置 Award setting:
由来自以色列和中国评委组成的评委团评选出获奖作品。A panel of judges from Israel and China will choose the winning entries.(1)优胜奖(奖品:笔记本电脑一台)Winner(Prize: 1 laptop)(2)最具创意奖(奖品:以色列特色大礼包)The most creative award(Prize: Israeli special gift package)(3)最受欢迎奖(奖品:以色列特色大礼包)The most popular award (Prize: Israeli special gift package)领事馆将于2021年4月15日公布获奖者,并颁发荣誉证书和奖品。The Consulate will announce the winners and award certificates and prizes on April 15, 2021.