2020美国IDEA金奖作品Elroy Air Chaparral
发布时间:2020-10-30 09:31 阅读量:1468Demand for rapid logistics has spiked globally. Traditional infrastructure like roads and airports are not scaling to meet global demand, traffic congestion is at an all-time high, and over 1 billion people live in communities outside the reach of reliable roadways. The Elroy Air Chaparral has the ability to improve the quality of life globally by increasing access to time-sensitive critical supplies. It is an autonomous air vehicle transport solution that leapfrogs traditional infrastructure. It delivers and retrieves cargo, up to 300 pounds over a 300-mile range, without human contact. Now hard-to-reach communities don’t have wait to receive critical goods, such as medicine and food. It can also be used in disaster relief situations to resupply critical goods for the military, and to deliver goods to extreme climates, such as rural Alaskan communities—all without risking pilot lives. The Chaparral is distinguished from military, general aviation, and consumer drones while still projecting a gravity appropriate to a high-powered piece of future logistics equipment.
Designed by: Colin Owen, Clint Cope, Terik Weekes, Isaiah Jones, and Sean Belardo for Elroy Air

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