

发布时间:2023-05-08 09:18   截稿时间:2023-06-28 23:59   阅读量:815


千年瓷都 天下醴陵丨10万元奖金全球征集




              The Theme               

醴陵,一直被誉为“中国陶瓷之乡”,享有千年瓷都的美誉。陶瓷作为支柱产业,为醴陵经济的高质量发展提供了增长新引擎。为了全方位推广醴陵,让更多的人认识醴陵、了解醴陵、爱上醴陵,醴陵市政府以“千年瓷都 天下醴陵”为主题,面向全球征集醴陵城市品牌宣传海报,让醴陵这座实力雄厚的产业之城、海纳百川的开放之城、激情澎湃的创新之城、独具魅力的文化之城、引人留人的宜居之城,成为人们向往的“理想之城”。

Liling, a millennium-old city, has long been known as “a land of Chinese ceramics”. As the mainstay industry, ceramics has been a powerful engine of the local economy’s high-quality development. To further promote Liling, for more people to learn about and love it, the municipal government confirms the theme “Millennium-Old Capital of Ceramics, Liling City of the World”, and calls to the globe for the best posters of Liling City as a brand. The posters should aim for Liling to be a popular city of heart’s desire, to be more influential in the ceramic industry, open to new trends, innovative in design, unique in culture and pleasant in environment. 

02组织机构            The Organization             

指导单位:湖南省设计艺术家协会主办单位:醴陵市人民政府 承办单位:醴陵市文化旅游广电体育局协办单位:湖南师范大学美术学院、中南大学建筑与艺术学院、湖南第一师范学院美术与设计学院、醴陵市设计艺术家协会
The Guide: Hunan Association of Design Artists The Organizer: Municipal Government of Liling The Host: Culture, Tourism, Broadcasting, Television and Sports Bureau ofLiling CityCo-Organizers: Fine Arts Academy of Hunan Normal University; School ofArchitecture and Art of Central South University;  College of Art and Design, Hunan First Normal University;Liling Association of Design Artists
03活动时间                Time Limits                 

Call for Entries:March 20‒June 28, 2023Online Polling and Expert Assessment:July 15‒August 6, 2023Result Announcement: August 7‒11, 2023
04征集对象                 Submitters                


All independent designers, design institutions, staff and students of the design discipline of colleges and universities, and those involved in any designing project.

05征集内容             Works Called for           

作品的内容和元素应遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规和政策规定,按照要求进行开放式设计。作品主题为“千年瓷都 天下醴陵”,主题文字推荐使用著名书法家李铎撰写的书法体。作品要求色彩协调,健康向上,有独特的创意,有较强的视觉冲击力和直观的美感,有较强的思想性、艺术性、感染力和时代感,能够突出醴陵历史人文、产业特色以及自然风光等特色,赋予城市形象新风采。

Works submitted must abide in both theme and element by relevant laws, regulations and policies of China, and be smartly designed according to the requirements. The theme is “Millennium-Old Capital of Ceramics, Liling City of the World”. For the Chinese script of the two phrases, we recommend the calligraphy of the famous handwriting artist LI Duo (1930‒2020). Works submitted must be harmonious in color, positive in attitude, innovative in design, strong in visual effect, beautiful at first sight, outstanding in art and representative of the age. They must highlight Liling’s historical heritage, industrial advantage and superb landscape, and add to its glory.
06征集要求      Submission Requirements     

(1) All works must be electronic ones: JPG, CMYK colored mode, more than 300 dpi in precision, A3 in size. Each author may submit no more than three works or sets.(2) All works must be zipped and submitted to llwlgt@163.com before 12 pm, June 28, 2023. The email title should be in the uniform format: “Best Posters of Liling City + Full Name + Work Title + City of Residence + Contact”.

(3) All works must be original. No plagiarism is acceptable.

(4) Contact: Mrs. Liu, 18573382338
07获取表格            Submission Form          


The submission form must be filled in. In it are included the work title, description of the work(s) (no more than 200 words), brief bio (no more than 300 words) and an electronic portrait (300×300 px).


Scan the code for the Application Form.




Scan the code to join in the competition group.

08奖项设置                     Prizes                     

一等奖(1个):奖金48888元 二等奖(2个):奖金18888元 三等奖(3个):奖金8888元 优秀奖(10个):奖金888元 (注:以上奖金均为税前。)
First Prize (one winner): ¥ 48,888 RMBSecond Prize (two winners): ¥ 18,888 RMBThird Prize (three winners): ¥ 8,888 RMBMerit Prize (ten winners): ¥ 888 RMB(PS: All prizes are pre-taxation ones.)


                Other Statements           


(1) All times included in this announcement are Beijing times.

(2) Work submission is completely free of charge. 

(3) The author is responsible in civil and legal terms if the work is involved in authorship, copyright or any other legal problem. In such a case, the work will be rejected, and the possible prize will be taken back. 

(4) Once the work is submitted and shortlisted, we take it for granted that the author agrees for the host to own the intellectual property right of the work (including the copyright and the trademark right). The host is entitled to modify and publish the work, to tell the author to refine the work according to the host’s requirements, and to publicize, exhibit and publish the work globally.

(5) We take it for granted that the author agrees to all the above rules.

(6) The author may learn about the procedures through the following media: RedNet, Morning Video, Xiaoxiang Morning Post, Zhuzhou News, Liling News, Gutian Rd. 9, Ad518, Design Competition, Hunan Designer League, Hunan Designing Artists Association, Fine Arts Academy of Hunan Normal University,and Go forward. 

(7) The host of the activity reserves the final interpreting right. 



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