发布时间:2021-07-03 16:27 阅读量:1140深圳创新创意设计学院方案设计国际竞赛公开征集阶段资格预审,已开始接受报名。现诚邀全球优秀设计团队参与此次设计竞赛。
Pre-qualification announcement for International Competition for Architectural Design of Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation is hereby released. The competition is now entering the open application stage and design teams from across the world are welcome to participate.
Shenzhen, as a world-renowned “creative capital”, has an increasing demand for high-end design and creative capacity. To enhance cultural brand awareness in the city, Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation (SIDI) is planning to be built as New Top 10 Cultural Facilities in Shenzhen, it would become the important cultural brand in this region.
▲图 1:项目选址示意图
Project Site Selection
1.项目定位Project Positioning
深圳创新创意设计学院以建设国际化、高水平、创新性、实践型的创意设计学院为目标,聚集世界级设计大师,搭建国际交流合作平台,创新人才培养模式,努力成为创新创意设计产业人才培养基地、创新创意设计成果转化基地、粤港澳大湾区创新创意产业发展高端智库。深圳创新创意设计学院将依托南方科技大学的大力支持与多年成功办学经验,全球范围内寻找优秀创意设计,努力将学院建设成为国际一流设计学院,前期为南方科技大学二级学院,待条件成熟后,向教育部申报成为独立高校,实现独立发展。This project aims to build an international, high-level, innovative design institute that focuses on practice. It is expected to become a platform for international design talents and meet the urgent need of talents in the city of Shenzhen and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. With this institute, design leaders will be attracted to teach and innovate the cultivation of talent. SIDI is the talent training base for creative industry, design transformation base for innovation and creativity and high-end think tank for creative industry development in the Greater Bay Area. SIDI strives to build an international world-class institute with support and best practice of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), and with the excellence creative planning and architectural design on a global scale. In the early stage, it was a secondary college of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). When conditions are ripe, it will apply to the Ministry of Education to become an independent university and achieve independent development.充分挖掘“创新、创意、设计、国际化”的概念,建设创意校园、科技校园、智慧校园、绿色校园,打造应用为导向、跨学科融合的创新设计学院。Driven by design, creativity, innovation and internationalization, SIDI will become an intelligent, creative and green campus powered by technology. Upon completion, it will be a world leading practice-oriented and interdisciplinary design institute enhancing creative industry in the Greater Bay Area.2.项目概况Project Overview
项目区位 Project Location项目地块位于深圳市宝安区重点发展区域“大空港地区”。所处宝安教育城,是宝安区教育重镇,教育城目前已有东方英文书院、宝安第一外国语学校、深圳宝安职业技术学校等多所学校,项目地块北侧为深圳职业技术学院拟建地。The plot is located at the Greater Airport area in Bao’an District,Shenzhen City . To the north, Shenzhen Polytechnic is planning to build a new campus. Nearby, Bao’an No.1 Foreign Language School, Shenzhen Oriental English College, Bao’an Vocational Educational Technical School, and other schools have already been established here.

3.竞赛范围Competition Scope
深圳创新创意设计学院方案设计国际竞赛International Competition for Architectural Design of Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation竞赛方式Competition method本次竞赛分为四个阶段:第一阶段-意向邀请;第二阶段-公开征集;第三阶段-方案设计;第四阶段-评奖。本项目意向邀请和公开征集两阶段共产生9家参赛机构,进入方案设计阶段。主办方最终确定一等奖 1 名或空缺;二等奖 4 或 5 名;单体创意奖 1 名或空缺(从一二等奖中产生);入围奖4名。This competition includes four phases: Invitation Phase, Open-Call Phase, Design Competition Phase, and Winner Deciding Phase. After Invitation Phase and Open-Call Phase, a total of 9 candidates will enter Design Competition Phase.The organizer will determine one first-prize or vacancy, 4-5 second-prize and one creative monolithic building prize (from first-prize or second-prize);and 4 Finalist Prize.4.合同内容Contract Content如产生一等奖,则产生合同授予。合同授予设计内容划分如下:总体规划;其他单体(不含展览馆、图书馆及会堂单体);创意单体(展览馆、图书馆及会堂单体)。 Once the first prize is determined, the winning parties will be awarded with contracts, including master plan, other monolithic building (exhibition hall, library & auditorium excluded), creative monolithic building (including exhibition hall, library & auditorium).

5.报名条件Application Requirements
1) 申请人须是注册的企业或机构。2)接受联合体报名,其中联合体成员(含牵头单位)共计不得超过三家,联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成联合体参与报名。3)联合体合作方需签署合法有效的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位及合同实施阶段各方的分工划分方式和设计费用的分摊比例、分配方式等。4)不接受个人或个人组合的报名。1)Candidates must be legally registered companies or organizations.2)Consortium is permitted. One consortium shall include no more than 3 members (including the leading member). Each member of the consortium shall not further apply alone or participate by joining another consortium.3)The consortium parties shall sign legal and effective Consortium Agreement and specify the leading agency, work content and work load allocation, distribution method, etc. in contract implementation stage.4) Individual or teams of individuals will not be accepted.6.竞赛奖金及设计补偿费设置Design Fee & Compensation
(1) 一等奖 1 名或空缺,奖金 200 万元人民币(含税),如获得一等奖的方案经主办方确认符合实施要求的,授予其总体合同或主体合同,不再获得奖金。主办方保留一等奖空缺的权利。(2) 二等奖 4 或 5 名,每家获得奖金各 120 万元人民币(含税)。(3) 单体创意奖 1 名或空缺,不另行设置奖金。- 如一等奖和单体创意奖为同一家单位时,则合同授予按一等奖授予总体合同执行;
- 如单体创意奖在二等奖中产生且方案经主办方确认符合实施要求的,授予其创意单体合同,扣除其二等奖奖金 20 万元人民币(含税)。
- If an agency is awarded the first prize and the creative monolithic buildings prize at the same time, then sign general contract.
- If the creative monolithic buildings prize is awarded to the second prize, then creative monolithic buildings contract will be signed with 200,000 yuan bonus deducted from the total prize (tax included).
奖项 Award | 奖金 ( 含税 ) 或合同 Bonus (tax included) or contract | |
一等奖(1 名)或空缺The first prize: one or none. | 授予合同(不授予奖金) Contract without bonus | 合同授予情况 1:授予”总体合同“ Sign the general contract |
合同授予情况 2:授予”主体合同“ Sign the major contract | ||
或:200 万人民币 / 名(不授予设计合同) Or 2-million-yuan bonus for each without design contract | ||
或:空缺(不设一等奖奖金) Or none. No prize. | ||
二等奖(4 名或 5 名)The second prize: 4 or 5. | 120 万人民币 / 名(不授予设计合同) 1.2-million-yuan bonus for each without design contract | |
或:授予“创意单体合同”+奖金 100 万人民币 Or creative monolithic building contract with 1-million-yuan bonus | ||
入围奖(4 名)Winning prize: 4 | 60 万人民币 / 名 600,000 yuan for each. | |
方案优化设计补偿费(如需)Design compensation,if needed | 30 万人民币 / 名,对被授予合同的单位不予支付该项补偿费用。 300,000 yuan for each, for the agency with contract award, no compensation any more. |
7. 招标日程Tender Schedule
阶段 Stage | 时间 Date | 事项 Item |
公开征集阶段Open-Call Stage | 2020.9.9 | 发布竞赛公告及接受报名Open-Call and Pre-qualification Announcement |
2020.9.15(17:00前/Before 17:00) | 质疑截止Query Deadline | |
2020.9.21(17:00前/Before 17:00) | 答疑及补遗发布Clarification, Amendment and Answering Period Deadline | |
2020.10.10(17:00前/Before 17:00) | 资格预审申请文件提交截止Deadline of Pre-qualification Application Document Submission | |
2020.10.16-10.23(暂定/tentative) | 资格预审评审及结果公示Pre-qualification Review and Result Notice参赛申请人递交《参赛确认函》盖章原件(接受电子签章)Shortlisted applicant submits original version of stamped Competition Participation Confirmation (e-signature & stamping accepted) | |
方案设计阶段Design Com-petition Stage | 2020.10.26(暂定/tentative) | 发布正式竞赛文件Release Official Competition Document |
2020.10.29(暂定/tentative) | 踏勘答疑会(组织形式另行通知)Site Survey and Q & A Meeting (form to be notified) | |
2020.11.2(暂定/tentative) | 质疑截止Query Deadline | |
2020.11.9(暂定/tentative) | 书面答疑(电子邮件形式)Clarification Period Deadline (via Email) | |
2020.12.15 15:00前(暂定)Before 15:00 of 2020.11.23 (tentative) | 入围单位递交成果文件Design Competition Deliverables Submission Deadline | |
2020.12.18-12.20(暂定/tentative) | 方案评审(暗标)Scheme review (closed bid) | |
方案深化及设计评奖Winner Deciding Stage | 待定 TBD | 方案深化Scheme Development |
设计评奖Announcing the Awarding Results | ||
注:1. 所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利。Note: 1. All time is subject to Beijing time. The Organizer reserves the right to adjust the agenda.2、温馨提示:因本项目公开征集阶段时间紧凑,建议参赛申请人提前组织设计力量,以尽早准备方案设计阶段工作。2. Warm tips: Since the schedule is quite tight for the Pre-qualification of this project, the applicant is suggested to organize the design team beforehand so as to prepare the work at the design competition stage as soon as possible. |
8.招标方及服务方Tenderee And Service
主办方 Organizer深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau Of Public Works Of Shenzhen Municipality 协助方 Co-organizer深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心ATUchina 咨询邮箱 Enquiry Emailguanzhusz@atuchina.com 咨询电话 Hotline北京时间周一至周五9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00Monday - Friday (UCT+8) 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00纪工/Mr Ji: +86-0755-86250922 微信/Wechat: 176653112009.信息发布Information Announcement
(1)竞赛公告及后续答疑、补遗文件的官方发布平台为深圳建设工程交易服务网。请前往“深圳建设工程交易服务网-招标公告”,查看公告及下载资格预审文件:https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac27433413701746c85aee43f25 The official platform for announcement, follow-up Q&A and addendum documents is the Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service website. For the official announcement and document download, please visit (click “read more” at the left bottom):https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac27433413701746c85aee43f25(2)竞赛公告发布平台:深圳建设工程交易服务网。Release platform of competition announcement: http://zjj.sz.gov.cn/jsjy/.(3)未在深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记过的设计单位,可前往https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/提前进行登记;以联合体报名的各个成员单位都需要进行网上注册登记。Intended participants are also encouraged to start preparation for the bidding by registering at the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/; Each member/unit of the joint group shall register separately.主办方对本次国际竞赛规则拥有最终解释权。解释语言以中文为准。The Organizer reserves the right for the interpretation of the Competition Document, with the language of interpretation subjected to Chinese.


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