国际优秀创意、设计领域非营利机构The One Club for Creativity,正式开启第99届ADC国际设计大奖的征稿,最终截稿日为2020年2月28日。
The One Club for Creativity, a non-profit organization in the world's top creative and design fields, officially launched the ADC 99th Annual Awards. Submission will expire on February 28, 2020.
ADC Annual Awards is one of the world’s longest-running and most prestigious global competitions celebrating excellence in craft and innovation in all forms of design and advertising.
广告设计类 Advertising品牌/传播设计类 Brand/Communication Design公益设计类 Design for Good
体验设计类 Experiential Design
时尚设计类 Fashion Design
插画设计类 Illustration
整合设计类 Integrated
互动设计类 Interactive
动态/电影技巧/游戏设计类 Motion/Film/Gaming Craft
包装设计类 Packaging Design
摄影技术类 Photography
产品设计类 Product Design
出版物设计类 Publication Design
空间设计类 Spatial Design
版式设计类 Typography
「评审阵容公布」 Jury Announcement
ADC国际设计大奖评审名单已公布,来自26个国家/地区的超130名创意人将评判来自世界各地的作品。浏览全部评审名单请点击查看More than 130 highly qualified creatives representing 26 countries will judge work from around the world. The complete list of all ADC 99th Annual Awards jury members can be viewed.

·Duane Serjeant, executive director, experience design, Ernst & Young, Hong Kong (Experiential Design)

「ADC报奖费制度」Tiered pricing structure
ADC国际设计大奖将使用等级定价方式进行报奖费用的统计。员工人数在2-20人的小型公司或工作室申报的每件作品会得到优惠价格(优惠幅度按不同申奖类别计算);员工人数在2至50之间的公司可享受分层定价折扣;自由职业设计者及个体商店会获得更大幅度的申奖价格优惠。这样的计价体系将为更多规模较小的机构、工作室和自有职业者提供很低的参与门槛。The fee structure varies depending on whether the submitting firm is a design studio or ad agency. Design studios with between 2-20 employees get a discount (amount varies by discipline), while ad agencies with between 2-50 employees qualify for the tiered pricing discount. Freelance creatives and one-person shops in either design or advertising are eligible for an even greater reduction in their entry fee.
「重要日期」Key Date
ADC国际设计大奖截止日期:2020年2月28日ADC Deadlines:
February 28, 2020
「2020 One Show纽约创意周」2020 One Show Creative Week

「申奖咨询」Application Inquiry
ADC国际设计大奖申奖网站:ADC Annual Awards Website:http://www.adcawards.org大中华区的广告公司可以通过The One Club大中华区办公室进行奖项咨询,关于支付申报费用可以通过以下两种方式:线上信用卡支付、线下汇款The One Club 美国总部账户。
Advertising agencies in Greater China can conduct awards consultations through The One Club Greater China Office. Two ways to pay for fees: credit card payments, offline remittances to The One Club US account.ADC国际设计大奖作品申报相关问题,请联系:For questions related to the ADC 99th,please contact
Vivian Lu
T: +8610-84046620 ext 226
「关于The One Club for Creativity」
About The One Club for CreativityThe One Club for Creativity是One Show国际创意奖和ADC 国际设计大奖的主办方,是全球创意领域最负盛名的非营利组织。The One Club for Creativity, producer of The One Show, ADC Annual Awards and Creative Week, is the world's foremost non-profit organization whose mission is to support and celebrate the success of the global creative community.ADC国际设计大奖作为世界上首屈一指和历史最悠久的美术设计奖项,迄今已经有99年的历史。旨在表彰不同领域具有工艺和创新性的设计作品。其类目包含广告设计、摄影技术。出版物设计、包装设计、产品设计等。
The One Show is a top global awards show for advertising, design and digital marketing focusing on creativity of ideas and quality of execution. The global ADC Annual Awards honors creative excellence in craft, design and innovation across all disciplines. Creative Week takes place in New York City every May and is the preeminent festival celebrating the intersection of advertising and the arts.