发布时间:2021-06-20 19:02 阅读量:1307坦桑尼亚高质量和经济适用房严重短缺,目前该国已面临300万住房缺口以及每年20万新增住房需求。其70%以上的城市居民居住在无规划、无服务的非正式住所当中。针对这一实际情况,本竞赛旨在寻求一种住宅设计,既能在坦桑尼亚落地实施,又适用于在住房问题日益严重的其他非洲国家。
Tanzania suffers from a terrible shortage of good quality and affordable housing. So dire is this shortage that the nation currently carries a 3 million housing deficit coupled with a 200.000 unit annual demand. Over seventy percentof its urban residents live in unplanned and unserviced informal settlements. With that in mind, Archstorming is looking for a housing design to be implementednot only in Tanzania, but also in other African countries where housing is an increasing problem.
Only 15 percent of household in Tanzania have electricity, with a very large disparity between urban and rural households in Mainland Tanzania (45 percent and 3 percent respectively). Two in three households in Tanzania (67 percent) live in dwelling with earth, sand or dung flooring. Cement flooring only accounts for 30 percent of households. With an ever increasing urban population, 5.7 percent to 22.6 percent over the period 1967-2002, based on 2002 census data, it is inevitable that this shortage, which is compounded by lack of long-term housing finance and a lack of a formal residential housing construction sector, needs to be addressed in a timely manner.
In order to do so, the current competition will explore efficient and economic ways to build houses in Africa. The Jorejick family, located near Karatu, Tanzania, will be the firsts we will help. With your participation, we will provide them with a design for their new home.
Young Bird Plan作为Archstorming在中国的独家合作伙伴,线上报名通道已经全面开启!
Young Bird Plan is the exclusive partner in China and its online registration channel has been officially launched!
Paulo is the oldest of 10 children and is currently 33 years old. His parents, Maria and Bura, are 54 and 56 years old, and support a family that does not stop growing. They are dedicated to daily tasks, cultivation of fields, care of livestock and maintenance of adobe houses. Their wish is that their children can study at school, since in Tanzania education is not free. All the stress they go through is reflected in chronic diseases such as stomach ulcers that Maria suffers.
Cecilia (31years old) already has 3 children: Melania (9), Virguita(6) and Brian(2). She is a teacher in a distant town and cannot take care of the 3 kids by herself, so they live in Getamock with their grandparents (Maria and Bura).
John is 30 years old, and he’s a professor in Dar es Salaam, the financial capital of Tanzania. Although he lives far away, he often goes to visit the family. He has a daughter named Doreen (1).
Nico (27), the fourth brother, didn’t go to school, but he makes a livig with multitude of activities in the town. During summer, he also helps in the archaeological excavations nearby. He’s currently building a small brick in the plot to move with Irene, his wife.
Enmaculata is 25 years old and she lives in Arusha with her husband. They have a son, Briston(4) that lives with his grandparents. She sells fruits and vegetables in the town.
Sanslaus (22) is the only one in the family who has completed secondary education. He speaks English fluently and wants to continue studying to fulfill his dreams.
Prisca,18, is finishing high school. She is still living in Getamock with her family and helps her parents as much as she can, taking care of the whole family. She hopes to continue studying in the near future.
Alberto and Gertruder are twins. They are 15 years old and have just started high school. They are very active, happy and responsible children. They help the family with livestock and crops.
Rafael (11)is the youngest brother. He his studying primary school. Despite his young age he is incredibly mature and responsible, taking care of many tasks at home. He is a vegetarian because he does not like the taste of meat.
María, the grandmother, is such an important person in this family. Although her exact age is not known, the family estimates that she must be around 100 years old. She was the second wife out of four, from a polygamous marriage. She had to marry twice because his father wanted to receive a bigger dowry. She has had a very tough life, with much suffering and, despite her diabetes, today her tattooed face reflects wisdom and serenity.
Chile is also part of the family. He’s the mother’s nephew. His mother passed away years ago due to breast cancer. Then he had to go live with his uncles. He is 22 years old and has finished high school, but for economic reasons he hasn’t been able to continue studying. He is a member of the family and help seconomically as much as he can along with Nico.
This is the entire Jorejick family. 15 of them are currently living in the house. We could say so many things about each one of them. They are all incredible people, self-sufficient, and an example of maturity and ability to overcome their problems.
It is our chance to help them building a new home that will bring them stability and comfort. Architecture has the power of changing lifes, and we will do that do this family.
The competition is calling for proposals to design a house for the Jorejick Family.
The house will be built on the plot that the family owns. It is located in Getamock, in the Karatu District, north ofTanzania. (Coordinates: 3°31’04.4”S 35°42’06.0”E)
The closest city (2h driving) is Karatu, with a population of 26.617.
房子非常临近曼雅拉湖(Lake Manyara)。该地区非常适宜旅游,附近有塞伦盖蒂国家公园(Serengeti National Park),恩戈罗恩戈罗保护区(the NgorongoroConservation Area)和乞力马扎罗山国家公园(the Mount Kilimanjaro National Park)。
The house is very close to the Lake Manyara. The region is quite touristy, since we can find relatively close the Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and the Mount Kilimanjaro National Park.
Approximately 500 people live in Getamock. They all belong to the tribe of the Iraqw. They speak Iraqw and also Swahili.
The plot extends to approximately 4.600 m2. It has a rhomboidal shape. The longest side measures 120 m while the shorter 35 m.
As you can see, the family’s plot is wide enough to build a house that suits their needs. Do not forget cattle need space to transit, so you should leave a lot of free space for it.
The plot currently has the following constructions:
-临时小屋:一共有三个。其中一个用作厨房和储物空间(5m x 2,5m)。另外两个用作卧室(7m x 3m)。它们均是采用木结构,和泥土混合稻草屋顶搭建而成。恶劣的天气条件下无法起到保护作用,Jorejick一家不得不对其进行重建。
- Huts: there are three of them. One functions as covered kitchen and storage (5m x 2,5m). And two huts are used as bedrooms (7m x 3m). These buildings have a wood structure covered with mud and straw. Theyare very exposed during bad weather conditions, the family has to rebuild them every now and then.
-Nico的砖房:矩形(9m x 7m),工程已经完成一半。一旦建成,尼科将与妻子一起搬到那里。它是由泥砖砌成。
- Nico’s brick house: it has a rectangular shape (9m x 7m). It is half finished. Nico is expected to move there with his wife once the jobs are done. It is made of mud-bricks.
- Shower and latrine module: it is close to Nico’s house and also made of bricks. The latrine is just a hole in the ground approximately 10m deep. Once it is full, they plan to seal it and move the latrine to another place. To shower they use a bucket of water.
- Outside kitchen: they use an open wood fire to cook, that’s why they have to do it outside. They use a space covered by banana trees next to the cattle.
The cattle have a space closed by a wooden fence. They graze in a reserved space in the west of the plot.
The property has its main entrance in the south. Other neighbors have to go inside the plot to access their homes.
Hut: this is where most of the family sleep, sharing the space with some small animals such as chickens or ducks.
Hut: this one is being rebuilt. Dad is currently sleeping here.
Hut: used as interior kitchen and storage.
Nico’s brick house: still under construction.
Shower and latrine module
Open kitchen
Main entrance
The climate in the Karatu region is strongly marked by two seasons. The so-called rainy season and the dry season. Rains begin approximately in November and intensify, reaching their maximum level from February to April. The dry season runs from May to October, although sporadic days of rains can occur, especially from September, which are frequent at night.
Despite having a high humidity index, temperatures remain stable during the year at about 22-25ºC. During the dry season (summer), the temperature rises during the day, but rarely more than 30ºC. However, at night the temperature drops a lot, reaching a minimum of 10º in the rainy season.
Karatu has some very humid months, with other comfortably humid months. The least humid month is January (57.6% relative humidity), and the most humid month is May (78.5%).
Wind in Karatu is usually moderate. The windiest month is October, followed by September and August. October’s average wind speed of around 11.6 knots (13.4 MPH or 21.5 KPH) is considered “a moderatebreeze.” Maximum sustained winds (the highest speed for the day lasting more than a few moments) are at their highest in mid October where average top sustained speeds reach 18.8 knots, which is considered a fresh breeze.
The plot consists mainly of Ferruginous Tropical soils developed in moderately fine to fine textured, non-calcareous deposits derived from weathering of volcanic lavas and volcanic tuffs. The material is dark reddish brown to red in color and ranges from clay loam to clay in texture. The plot is stone free.
Surface drainage is good. The very rapid drainage on someareas has resulted in considerable erosion. This has caused a slight slope at some points. You can consider the plot to be completely flat, orkeep the current slope. A topographic plan will be sent after registraton.
In this contest we will build a house for the Jorejick family. We will focus on providing them with adequate spaces that they can keep clean, tidy and organized, in order to avoid diseases and bring structure into their lifes.
The house building can be composed of one or several modules, depending on the structuring of the project.
The project program will be as follows:
- Bedrooms: The house should have 6 bedrooms, where bunk beds, double beds or single beds will be distributed so they can sleep comfortably. It is not necessary to have one bed per person (that is, 15), since they usually sleep together, although we do want to improve their quality of life in this regard. The bedrooms should have shelves and closets, and since many of the family members are still studying, some should also have desks. It would be convenient if each room had a window in order to ventilate properly. Since the temperature is constant during the year, no heating system is required.
- Living Room: The living room should be spacious and although they are used to being outside, it would be ideal to gather them especially in the rainy season or in celebrations. Although they have never had anything similar, we would like them to enjoy furniture such as sofas and armchairs, some sideboard furniture and a large table with chairs or bench run. They imagine it as a luminous space.
- Outdoor kitchen: Outdoor cooking is widespread in Africa. However, in the rainy season they must cook indoors. The house should have both of them. They can be close to each other in order to facilitate the storage of kitchen tools. The outdoor kitchen should be located in a protected space. The one they are currently using is surrounded by banana trees, which makes it very private. Although it must be open (no walls), you can cover it or leave it roofless.
- Indoor kitchen: although they are not very used to it, they have access to a gas cooker. The interior kitchen should have a space for gas cooking, and another for a wood cooking stove. It is very important that this space is properly ventilated, so that the smoke can evacuate correctly. It should have enough storage space to keep all kitchen tools, and also a food storage space (all this can be in an adjoining storage room). The kitchen should have an exterior door in order to access from the outside.
- Showers: for hygienic reasons, showers and latrines shouldn’t be together. Also, due to the complexity of installing a drainage system, they should be separated from the house, or at least not as an interiorspace. They must include a dressing room where they can take off their clothes privately, and two separate showers. They are currently showering with water buckets, but any other system is accepted, as long as you take into consideration that there’s no water supply in the zone.
- Latrines: it is important to build them a reasonable distance from the house, balancing issues of easy access versus that of smell. Your design should include two latrines. As we’ve said before, they are currently using simple pit latrines, but anyother system to improve that is welcome in the proposals. You can include toilet seats to facilitate the process to kids and elders.
- Porch for corral and crop storage: chickens, ducks and other small animals are currently sleeping inside the huts with the family. They should have a roofed space, fenced with a wire mesh. It should be adjacent to the house (it can be thought as a porch). Also, they need a similar space (roofed but not fenced) to store the crop (corn, beans, etc.).
- Outdoor space: the house must include exterior spaces where the family can gather, since they spend most of the day outside. They normally hang out and rest outside the huts, so these spaces could include tables with benches or some simple elements (preferably wooden) where children can play, enjoy, and have fun. You can also create porches at some points so they can have a place to shelter when it rains.
- Cattle area: they are very happy with the location they are using now, because the animals are guarded, but they don’t interrupt the pathways inside the plot. It should be rehabilitated with a wooden fence, and extended so that the animals have more space.
In this competition the winning project is going to be built, the chosen proposal will be used as the basis of the final project. That is why materials and building techniques will be crucial.
The most used building material in the area is adobe (mud). For the walls, they usually build a wooden structure that afterwards is covered with mud mixed with straw. The rains end up eroding the walls and they are constantly rebuilding them.
Recently they have been making mud bricks and cooking them so they aremore resistant. Thesize of these bricks vary since they are manually made.
Other materials can also be found, such as wood, stones or steel. Stones are mainly used for foundations and as a base for the building. Wood is found in the roof structure, while steel is used for the roof panels.
Electricity supply has recently arrived to Getamock. Unfortunately, it does not reach the family house. They are talking to the electric company to see if they can get it. Despite that, your design should consider they will be having electricity soon.
Water supply doesn’t exist in the zone.They normally take the water from a well in the area, although the well’s water pump is currently not working and they have to fetch water from as choop hole. For this reason it would be really interesting to consider a rainwater collection system.This water should be directed to a water tank where they could manually pumpit.
You can demolish the huts they are currently living in. But at least one should stay during the whole construction process in order for them to have a place to sleep.
There are a couple of trees on the plot that should be kept since they are the only natural shade the family has. One is located near the brick house, and another is in line with it, towards the access area to the plot. They are medium sized acacias.
The plot works as access to other neighbor houses, please take that into consideration in your design.
The budget for the house is 20.000€ (50 milionTanzanian Shilling). A list of price references, along with a site plan, will be sent after registration.
Any architecture student or professional architect can participate in AFRICAN HOUSEDESIGN COMPETITION, regardless of their nationality. Likewise, people from other disciplines can also participate, such as engineers, philosophers, sociologists, photographers, etc. It is not necessary to have an architect on the team, although it is recommended.
Teams may be formed by a maximum of four (4) members and a minimum of one (1).
All team members must be 18 years of age or older.
The registration fee must be paid per team, regardless of the number of members(1-4 people).
In the event that a team or participant wants to participate with more than one proposal, it will be necessary to register twice (or as many times as proposals will be submitted), paying the full price corresponding to each registration.
Under no circumstances may jurors, the organization or persons directly related to the jury participate inthis competition.
Prizes totaling 10,000€ + CONSTRUCTION, broken down as follows:
一等奖 1st PRIZE
6,000欧元+ 项目落地 6,000 € + PROJECT CONSTRUCTION
二等奖 2nd PRIZE
2,000欧元 2,000 €
三等奖 3rd PRIZE
1,000欧元 1,000 €
500欧元 500 €
500欧元 500 €
In addition, the winning projects or finalists will be published in magazines, blogs or architecture web pages, social networks or the Archstorming website and designverse website.
*Depending on the country of residence of the winners, the prize may be subject to the withholding or payment of taxes foreseen in the law of that country.
即日起 早鸟报名阶段开启
2020年3月25日 早鸟报名阶段关闭
2020年3月26日 正常报名阶段开启
2020年4月22日 正常报名阶段关闭
2020年4月23日 优先报名阶段开启
2020年5月20日 优先报名阶段关闭
2020年5月21日 延迟报名阶段开启
2020年6月17日 截止提交作品
2020年6月18日-7月7日 评审决议
2020年7月8日 公布获奖名单
*No submissions will be accepted after the general deadline indicated above:23:59:59 Los Angeles time (UCT / GMT-7) or PDT.
Registration fees will depend on the registration date, and will evolve as follows:
Young Bird Plan is the exclusive partner authorized by Archstorming in China. Participants in China can complete your registration and payment process on designverse(www.designverse.com.cn)and must full in your mobile phone number and email address. In order the registration to be successful, the team must pay the fee corresponding to the registration date. Once the registration and payment process have been completed, there will be no refunds
For details of the payment method, please refer to the designverse website (www.designverse.com.cn)
报名及付款成功后7天内,中国国内参赛者将收到 Archstorming 发送的邮件,其中包括竞赛材料,以及报名编号。该编号必须放在参赛团队提交的参赛材料的显眼位置,最好是右下角。
Within 7 working days after registration and payment, the organizer team will send a confirmation email that will include the work material, as well as the registrationnumber. This number must be placed in a visible spot on the team's competition board, preferably the lower right corner.
The jury will evaluate the projects based on the proposed objectives, the main being the creation of a house for the Jorejick family in Tanzania, with the indications provided in this briefing.
The jury is free to add other criteria that they consider important for the creation of the house.
A total of 50 proposals will be selected for the final round. Among the 50 finalists, the jury will choose the winner, the second and third place, the 2 special honorable mentions, and the 10 honorable mentions.
Participants must submit two (2) A1 format boards (594x841 mm or 23.4x33.1 inches) oriented either landscape or portrait with the registration number in the lower right corner.
提交图纸文件内容不限,只要参赛选手能清晰表达自己。当然,详细阐述方案中的建筑材料和具有建设性的体系思考非常重要。A1设计图纸文件必须以图片格式(JPEG 或 JPG)提交,提交文件名称必须以Archstorming团队提供的参赛编码命名(如两个A1设计图纸文件可命名为432465423-1.jpg和432465423-2.jpg)。
The content of the boards is open, as long as the idea that the participants want to communicate is clearly expressed. However, it is important to detail the proposal with the materials and constructive systems thought. The boards must be delivered in JPEG or JPG format and the file name must be the registration number provided by the Archstorming Team (eg 432465423-1.jpg and 432465423-2.jpg for the two boards)
In addition, one (1) description of the project no longer than 400 words must be submitted.
The description must be submitted in PDF format and the file name must be the registration number provided by the Archstorming Team (eg 432465423.pdf)
All the projects that win a monetary prize will become property of Archstorming, and therefore give Archstorming all rights to the materials from that moment on. Archstorming reserves the rights to use any of the participating projects for exhibitions and publications, digital or paper catalogues and dossiers.
Archstorming will publish all materials given appropriate attributes to the authors.
Archstorming reserves the right to modify the proposals and text in order to better adapt them to any publication format, without changing the essence of the proposal itself.
The participant is responsible for using copyright-free images. Archstorming is not responsible for the use of protected images by the participants.
Archstorming reserves the right to make any changes in the rules of the competition (dates, requirements, etc.). It is the obligation of the participants to check on a regular basis the website of Archstorming to verify if the Terms and Conditionsor the competition information have been modified.
UnHogar en Tanzania负责项目的落地建造。Archstorming与该项目合作,但不负责住宅建设事宜。如若出于某种原因最终决定不再建造,则Archstorming对这一事实不承担任何责任。
UnHogar en Tanzania is in charge of the project construction. Archstorming is collaborating with the project but not responsible of the house construction. If for any reason they finally can not build it, Archstorming will not be responsible of the fact.
Archstorming is not responsible for any research done by participants in the area.
The breach of the norms and terms defined in this briefing or in the Terms and Conditions of the website of Archstorming will result in the immediate disqualification of the team without any refund of the payments made.
Archstorming reserves the right to cancel this contest in case it does not reach a minimum number of participants, defined in the Terms and Conditions. In that case, Archstorming will return the full amount of registration fees to the participants enrolled at the time of cancellation.

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