发布时间:2021-06-24 16:43 阅读量:1008征集概况
项目名称:2019雄安城市家具设计方案征集征集范围:本次设计范围位于雄安新区,分为城市型和郊野型两种设计类型,三个设计地点(详见附件1. 征集内容)征集方式:公开征集。大赛设为专业组和公开组。参赛资格
专业组 1.本项目接受联合体参赛,参赛机构应为合法注册的法人实体或由合法注册的法人实体组成的项目联合体,其专业背景可包括公共艺术、建筑、规划、景观、艺术设计、智能等相关专业。2.参赛条件:2.1中华人民共和国境内的设计机构须具有的企业注册登记证明,港澳台地区设计机构的资格要求应参照境外设计机构资格要求的规定。2.2中华人民共和国境外(指在中国境外,包括港、澳、台地区注册)的设计机构须具有所在国或地区政府主管部门核发的企业注册登记证明;2.3联合体的各机构应共同签署一份联合体协议,联合体的机构成员数量应控制在三个及以内。公开组
专业组 报名时间:2019年12月29日00:00-2020年1月4日24:00(北京时间)踏勘时间:2020年01月9日-1月15日择期一天(北京时间)截稿时间:2020年3月15日24:00(北京时间) 公开组 报名时间:2019年12月29日00:00-2020年3月10日24:00(北京时间)踏勘时间:不组织现场踏勘截稿时间:2020年3月10日24:00(北京时间)
专业组 通过专家评审遴选出的12家参赛机构,将分别获得设计费50万元人民币(税前)/机构。(但对于未按规定时间提交设计成果或其设计成果不符合应征内容的机构,承办单位将不支付设计费)奖项及奖金:一等奖(1名):奖金210万元人民币(税前)二等奖(2名):奖金每名100万元人民币(税前)三等奖(3名):奖金每名70万元人民币(税前)人气奖(1名):奖金10万元人民币(税前)注:专业组奖金不包含设计费。 公开组 通过专家评审和公众参与投票遴选出获奖机构/个人。奖项及奖金:一等奖: 8名, 奖金每名10万元人民币(税前)二等奖:20名,奖金每名2.5万元人民币(税前)三等奖:30名,奖金每名1.5万元人民币(税前)人气奖:20名,奖金每名5000元人民币(税前)注:本项目奖金总额与设计费总额不变,组委会有权根据最终设计成果提交情况和评审结果,调整奖金额度和设计费额度。专业组、公开组所有设计费及奖金均以人民币支付。其他条款
联系人:黄老师、牟老师联系电话:+86-010-64717512,+86-010-64771465联系邮箱:xauf2019@cafa.edu.cn 报名方式:报名网址:xauf.cafa.edu.cn 进入官网报名通道。
Call for Public Registration for
“2019 Xiong’an Urban Facilities Design Competition”
In order to build high-quality urban facilities, improve the quality of urban space and foster the reputation of Xiong’an as a city, the 2019 Xiong’an Urban Facilities Design Competition, sponsored by the Administration Committee for the Xiong’an New Area in Hebei Province and organized by the Central Academy of Fine Arts and a list of organizations from Hebei Xiong’an New Area including the Bureau of Planning & Construction of, the Leading Group Office on the Digital City Initiative , the Planning Research Center and the Urban Planning and Design Institute, is officially launched and open to public registration at midnight on December 29th. The organizers earnestly welcome outstanding urban facility design teams, designers and design enthusiasts from both China and abroad to participate in this competition.
Under the guideline of “creating history and pursuing art”, the competition will focus on forward-looking planning, high-standard construction and high-quality development, follow the principle of global vision, international standards, Chinese characteristics, and high goals and promote the planning and construction of both the digital ‘smart’ and real dimension of a city. It aims to pool as much public wisdom as possible, build a collaborative platform and encourage public participation in order to enrich the urban cultural spirit with strong design and to ensure that art enhances the charm of the city.
It will create a landscape of ecological friendliness, featured with freshness, brightness, appropriate intensity and dotted wetlands. The competition is expected to contribute to the planning and construction of the Xiong’an New Area. Through such events like granting awards, seminars, exhibitions and publishing and implementing new designs, designers, artists, manufacturing enterprises and consumers can be connected with each other, a circular flow from design and manufacturing to construction and foster a design-led supply chain of urban facilities. In the end, it will realize the industrial upgrading and high-quality development of the Xiong’an New Area.
OVERVIEWProject Name: 2019 Xiong’an Urban Facility Design Competition
Design Scope: Design scope is limited to the Xiong’an New Area, to be divided into two categories: urban design and suburban design, and three design sites (see details in 1. Contents).
Competition Mode: Open to the public. The competition is divided into a Professional Group and a Public Group.
(1) Host Entity:
Management Committee of Xiong’an New Area
(2) Organizer:
Central Academy of Fine Arts
Planning and Construction Bureau of Hebei Xiong’an New Area
Digital City Construction Leading Group Office of Hebei Xiong’an New Area
Hebei Xiong’an New Area Planning Research Center
Xiong’an Urban Planning and Design Institute
(3) Co-organizers:
Architectural Society of China
Chinese Urban Sculpture Artists Association
China Construction Culture and Art Association
Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture
Architecture and Culture Society of China
China National Interior Decoration Association
China Association for Standardization Urban Facility Branch
National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Urban Public Facilities
National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Smart Buildings and Digital Residential Areas
PROFESSIONAL GROUP①Joint applications by consortiums are allowed in this competition. Participating organizations should be either registered legal entities or joint project teams composed of several registered legal entities, whose professional background(s) may public art, architecture, planning, landscape, art design and other related fields.②Eligibility: (Entry Requirements:)
A. Design institutions within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall have an enterprise registration certificate. Qualifying requirements for design institutions from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are subject to the requirements for foreign institutions.
B.Design institutions outside mainland China (referring to those registered outside the mainland China, including those registered in Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan) shall have a certificate of enterprise registration issued by a competent government department in the country or region where they are located;
C. Every institution of a consortium shall sign a joint agreement forming a consortium. There should be no more than three institutional members in one consortium.
Applications can be made in the name of a team or an individual. Applications are possible both from within China and abroad. There is no limit to the number of participating teams. There should be no more than five signed authors for the designs submitted by each team.
Registration time: at 00: 00 on Dec 29th, 2019 to 24:00 on Jan 4, 2019 (Beijing time)
Time for field survey: Any one day during January 9th-15th, 2020 (Beijing time)
Deadline: March 15th, 2020, 24:00 (Beijing time)
Registration time: 00: 00 on Dec 29th, 2019 to 24:00 on Mar 10th, 2019 (Beijing time)
Field survey: No field survey
Deadline: March 10th, 2020, 24:00 (Beijing time)
①Each of the 12 participating institutional entities selected through expert
evaluation will receive a design fee of 500,000 RMB (pre-tax).(However, if designs
are not submitted within the specified period or if designs do not meet competition requirements, no design fee will be paid.)
②Awards and Prizes:
First prize: 1 winner, 2.1 million RMB (pre-tax)
Second prize: 2 winners, 1 million RMB/winner (pre-tax)
Third prize: 3 winners, 700,000 RMB/winner (pre-tax)
Popularity award: 1 winner, 100,000 RMB (pre-tax)
Note: Prizes for the professional group do not include the design fee.
①Winning institutions/individuals shall be selected through expert jury.
②Awards and Bonuses:
First prize: 8 winners, 100,000 RMB/entity (pre-tax)
Second prize: 20 winners, 25,000 RMB/entity (pre-tax)
Third prize: 30 winners, 15,000 RMB/entity (pre-tax)
Popularity award: 20 winners, 5,000 RMB/entity (pre-tax)
Note: The sum of prize money and design fees will remain constant. However, the organizing committee reserves the right to adjust the specific amount awarded to each entity in accordance with submitted final designs and evaluation results. All design fees and prize monies for both the professional group and the public group shall be paid in RMB.
Other Terms and Conditions
(1) In line with the principles of openness and fairness, all evaluations during the competition (including the professional group and the public group) shall be put under on-site supervision from a third-party notary office.
(2) All copyrights for the works submitted by the finalists in the professional group and the winners in the public group, excluding the authorship right, shall belong to the organizer of the competition (The Administration Committee for the Xiong’an New Area).
(3) All documents and correspondence of participants in the Professional Group and the Public Group regarding this event shall be written in Chinese.
(4) Taxes on the prize money or design fee (including all taxes payable both within and without China) and all expenses incurred during consultation shall be solely borne by the competitors.
(5) Individuals and organizational entities applying to enter this competition shall be deemed to have acknowledged all the terms contained in this announcement.
(6) The Administration Committee for the Xiong’an New Area reserves the right to interpret all and any terms contained in this announcement.
(7) This event and all the documents produced during this event will apply the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.
TO PARTICIPATE Registration website: xauf.cafa.edu.cnContribution email:
Professional Group: xauf2019_pro@cafa.edu.cn
Public Group: xauf2019_pub@cafa.edu.cn
Contact Person: Ms. Mu & Ms. Huang
Tel.: +86-010-64771465, +86-010-64717512
Email: xauf2019@cafa.edu.cn
Registration method:
2. Press and copy the official website: xauf.cafa.edu.cn to enter the official registration channel.

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