

发布时间:2021-06-24 17:21   阅读量:937
秘境花园丨2020第三届“北林国际花园建造节”设计竞赛方案征集THE GARDEN OF MYSTERY丨Call for Entries to the Design Competition for the 3rd BFU International Garden-making Festival 2020


Bamboo owns its unique beauty with the tall and straight body lines, graceful branches and leaves, no wonder that numerous rich and thought-provoking spaces throughout the ages were created with bamboo. As early as in the Song dynasty, Sima Guang's Dule Garden was shaped with bamboo, which created both the mysterious space like "lining along the road like a corridor" and the quiet and comfortable garden described as "bamboos crossing with each other forming the cover like a room".

为激发园林学子的设计创作能力与实践建造能力,弘扬工匠精神,北京林业大学兹定于2020年9月-10月举办第三届“北林国际花园建造节” 。我们将邀请相关知名机构共同举办此次花园节。我们诚挚邀请国内外风景园林及相关专业的高校师生共同参与到“北林国际花园建造节”的设计与建造活动中来!

The 3rd BFU International Garden-making Festival will be hosted by Beijing Forestry University from September to October 2020. The Festival aims to promote a craftsmanship spirit and cultivate landscape architectural students’ creativity through drawings, models and practices, the festival will provide an opportunity to integrate material construction and artistic expression. We will invite relevant well-known organizations to co-host the Garden Festival. We sincerely invite educators and students in the field of landscape architecture and other related disciplines from around the world to participate in the design and construction activities of the 3rd BFU International Garden-making Festival.


ABOUT THE THEME:THE GARDEN OF MYSTERY本届花园建造节的主题为“秘境花园”,秘境是浪漫的遐思,亦是阑珊的梦境;是远离尘世喧嚣的宁静纯粹,亦是山重水复的萦回辗转;秘境花园应有如东方花园般充满神秘感的空间,引导参观者徜徉于或富于变化,或引人遐思,或充满想象的花园之中,充分阐释景与境、秩序与变化、易读性和偶然性、均衡感与神秘感之间关系的调和。The theme of this year’s Garden-making Festival is "The Garden of Mystery". Mystery is the romantic fantasy, the illusory dream, or the peacefulness away from the worlds’ hustle and bustle, the twists and turns among the beauty of mountains and rivers. The garden of mystery should be a place endowed with the sense of secrecy like the Oriental gardens, guiding visitors to wander in the space full of variety, imagination, or thought-provoking scenes, it should fully explain the harmony between scenery and imagination, order and change, readability and occasionality, sense of balance and mystery.


Participants are invited to design and build a small beautiful and mysterious garden in limited space by mainly using bamboo and herbs. Designers are encouraged to explore the various possibilities of bamboo as structural materials, enclosure materials and decorative materials on the basis of the natural characteristics of bamboo and the characteristics of its construction techniques, and to find the most suitable construction representation showcasing the theme of "The Garden of Mystery". Bamboo splits (thin) and bamboo strips (thick) should be the main material, with the raw bamboo culm as subsidiary material. The strength ductility of bamboo and the consequent elasticity of the spatial structure, the ingenious joints caused by the limitation of natural materials, the various appearances and strong rhythm formed by the different arrangement and density of the materials… can be the basis for the construction design.


THE GARDEN-MAKING ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION花园建造节组织分为4个阶段:The garden-making festival has four phrases:第一阶段:方案设计征集与邀请、评选,确定入选名单;第二阶段:入选作品施工图绘制和可行性对接;



Phase-1: Call for entries. The jury reviews and confirms the winning list.

Phase-2: Construction document preparation and feasibility negotiation.

Phase-3: On-site construction.

Phase-4: Winner announcement; festival opening ceremony and exhibition.




北京林业大学园林学院 、《风景园林》杂志社




Beijing Forestry University, Education Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

Executive Organizers:

School of Landscape Architecture of Beijing Forestry University, Landscape Architecture Journal

Support Organizer:

Zhejiang Bamboo Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


CALL FOR ENTRIES本次北林国际花园建造节的竞赛主题为“秘境花园”,以竹材和花卉作为主要材料,设计并建造一座小花园。花园建造基地位于北京林业大学校园内,每块建造基地面积16m²。组委会将先期对建造基地做出统一界定,植物材料均为盆栽,不提供露地栽培植物。





The theme of the 3rd BFU International Garden-making Festival is “The Garden of Mystery”, inviting all participants to build a garden with bamboo and herbs.

All garden plots are located within the campus of BFU, each with an area of 16m². The organizing committee will demarcate these sites ahead of time and provide potted plants, but no open-field plants.

It is required to design a bamboo pavilion (with the combination of natural bamboo and bamboo slices) and its garden space. The edge of the structure should not exceed site boundary. The pavilion should be well coordinate with the garden, forming an integrated whole of garden space with sense of mysterious.

The bamboo pavilion should present the weaving technique with bamboo splits (thin) and bamboo strips (thick) , while the raw bamboo culm is limited to work as the necessary structural support. The construction method should be simple and easy-constructing, yet it should be safe and firm. Optional bamboo species includes Dendrocalamus membranaceus MunroDendrocalamus jiangshuiensis Hsuch et D. Z. Li and Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. Pubescens, no other materials are allowed to be used. The structure should be no larger than site boundary and no higher than 3m. The garden should be accessible in. No specifications for the function and form.

Requirements for the plants: Please only use herbs and ground covers on the material list provided by the organizing committee; no other materials and water features.

Participants will be disqualified against the rules.


PARTICIPANTS本次竞赛面向国内外风景园林及相关专业的在校本科生及研究生,须以小组形式报名参加方案征集,小组人数不得超过8人(含8人)。鼓励跨专业合作参赛,每个小组须确定1-2名指导教师。每组团队只能提交1份作品,最终建造参赛名单与竞赛报名名单一致,不得更改。The competition invites submissions from teams of students (who could be undergraduate or graduate students). The team should have no more than 8 members(including 8). At least one of the team members is enrolled in Landscape Architecture or related programs. We encourage students to team with others who are in different majors. Each team must have one or two advisors and can only submit one work. The final construction of the entry list is consistent with the entry list of the competition and may not be changed.


WAYS OF PARTICIPATION本次花园建造节分方案征集和特别邀请2种参与方式。1)方案征集面向国内外风景园林及相关专业在校学生,入选名额7个。


There are two ways to participate in the festival competition.

1) Schemes from students in Landscape Architecture and related programs. 7 teams will enter in the next stage.

2) 8 renowned schools or colleges will be invited to participate in the competition.


SCHEDULE FOR THE COMPETITION AND CONSTRUCTION2020年4月5日 前:参赛报名(延期后的时间)Before March 15, 2020: Competition registration1)竞赛采取两种报名方式:A.在校学生自由报名。B.受邀学校组队报名;2)关注“北林园林资讯”“风景园林杂志”微信公众号,或《风景园林》杂志官网(www.lalavision.com),点击竞赛通知链接或扫描下方二维码报名;秘境花园--2020第三届“北林国际花园建造节”设计竞赛方案征集扫码报名Scan to register


3)报名截止日期:2020年3月15日,须确定指导教师及团队成员名单。报名后将得到一个注册号,由组委会于2020年3月20日23:59(北京时间)前通过电子邮件告知参赛者。1) Two ways of registration: one is the free registration for full-time students (Type-A), the other is the group registration for the institutions invited (Type-B).

2) Follow the WeChat official account "北林园林资讯" (BFU Landscape Architecture Information) and "风景园林杂志"(Landscape Architecture Journal);or enter the website of Landscape Architecture Journal (www.lalavision.com);or scan the QR code below to register.

3)  Registration Deadline: Please confirm advisors and team members no later than March 15, 2020. Each team will receive a registration number before 23:59 (Beijing time) March 20, 2020 by email.

2020年4月15日 前:设计方案提交

Before April 15, 2020: Scheme submit1)方案格式要求设计方案排布于一张横向A0图版上(高841mm,宽1189mm),JPG格式,分辨率300dpi。图版中应包含设计图及设计说明,文字须为中英双语(或英语)。图版中不得出现任何透露作者、指导教师及学校信息的内容。文件命名方式为“注册号.jpg”,如:045.jpg。



1) Submission requirements:

The design project should be presented on an A0 printed panel (841 mm high, 1189 mm wide) in landscape format, saved as JPG with a 300-dpi resolution. The panel should include a reflection of the project and associated graphic representations, both in English and Chinese (or English). No author, advisor and institution information should be mentioned on the panel. The panel must be saved as a JPG and named as "registration number.jpg", such as "045.jpg".

2) Deadline: April 15th, 2020

3) Please email the submission to: contest @lalavision.com

2020年5月10日 前:方案评选

Before May 10, 2020: Entry Evaluation竞赛组委会组织专家评审团对A、B两类参赛方案的设计创意及建造可行性进行评审,为A类参赛团队中的获奖方案颁奖,并从其中确定入选花园建造节的7个实施作品。A类参赛作品奖项设置:



The organizing committee will convene a jury to evaluate all competition entries for their design creativity and construction feasibility, giving awards to the Type-A winning entries from which 7 will be selected for construction during the garden-making festival.

The awards for Type-A entries:

Winning Prize: 7 finalists; winners will proceed to on-site construction.

Excellence Prize: 10-12 entries; winners will receive certificates.

2020年5月20日 前:方案细化与调整

Before May 20, 2020: Design development在开始施工图设计前,组委会将根据评委和合作单位的意见,要求入选团队进行基于实际建造可行性的方案深化调整。由合作单位向入选团队提供技术指导,直至完成施工图。According to the suggestions of the jury and the cooperation companies, the organizing committee will require the winning teams to refine their schematic designs based on construction feasibility prior to the construction document preparation. The cooperation companies will provide technical supports to winning teams until the completion of the construction documents.

2020年6月30日 前:施工图提交

Before June 30, 2020: Construction document submission1)入选建造节的7个公开征集作品和8个受邀高校作品须绘制施工图,以PDF格式提交组委会。施工图文件为A3文本,包含平立剖施工图,设计及施工说明、设计尺寸、材料做法、节点构造、细部大样、预制构件、施工进度等。2)施工图提交截止日期:2020年6月30日

3)作品提交邮箱:contest @lalavision.com

1) The 7 winning entries and 8 invited universities should complete their construction documents and submit them to the organizing committee in PDF form. Construction documents should be A3 printed documents, including plans, elevations, sections, design and construction descriptions, design sizes, material specifications, construction details, prefabricated units, and schedules.

2) Deadline: June 30, 2020

3) Please email the submission to:  contest @lalavision.com


September or October 2020: On-site construction1)15支建造团队于9月下旬或10月中旬参加在北京林业大学举办的第三届国际花园建造节启动仪式,并开始花园建造工作。建造周期为3.5天。2)建造要求:须满足相应的技术及安全牢固要求。

1) 15 teams will attend the opening ceremony of the 3rd BFU International Garden-making Festival in September or October 2020 and then begin the garden construction work. The construction will take three and a half days.

2) Construction requirements: All relevant technology and safety requirements should be met.


September or October 2020: Jury discussion, the opening ceremony and the award ceremony of the festival建造节组委会于现场建造结束后组织国内外知名专家进行评奖。花园建造节开幕式上将由特邀嘉宾为获奖团队颁发证书。The organizing committee will convene renowned experts worldwide to make award decisions. In the opening ceremony of the festival, winner teams will be awarded certificates and prize bonus by special guests.


COMPETITION INFORMATION参赛团队可登录《风景园林》官方网站-下载中心,下载基地现状图,周边环境照片,可选竹材规格、植物材料表、地基基础条件等资料。下载中心网址:



The participating teams can log in the download center of Landscape Architecture Journal official website to download the site condition maps, surrounding area photos, selectable bamboo sizes, list of plant materials, foundation conditions and other relevant information.

Download Center website:










1) Participants agree on and adhere to the content of this notice as well as the competition rules, otherwise he or she will be disqualified. The competition organizing committee reserves the right of final explanation.

2) Digital drawings should not contain any author and institution names or logos, entries which are not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified。

3) The competition organizing committee reserves all the rights other than authorship, including but not limiting to distribution, exhibition, information network dissemination, publication, etc. The designers reserve the right of authorship.

4) All participants should ensure their submissions are original and have not been submitted to other competitions.

5) Participants cannot receive guidance from the competition jury, otherwise he or she will be disqualified.




电话:+86-10-62337675邮箱:contest @lalavision.com


Email:contest @lalavision.com




BFU International Garden-making Festival Design Competition Committee

January 2020





“竹境 · 花园 ——2018首届北林国际花园建造节” 竞赛获奖名单及作品

竹境·花园 | 2018首届“北林国际花园建造节”设计竞赛方案征集

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