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2020 第八届“明天雕塑奖”作品征集

发布时间:2021-06-24 19:20   阅读量:968


“Tomorrow Sculpture Award” was founded in 2013 and co-sponsored by Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and Tomorrow Culture. Through the way of public collecting and jury system, the project focuses the most creative sculpture works and recommends the artists who have the sharpest problem consciousness. The award will be based on Chinese culture and from the view of 'sculpture+' to expand the languages and borders of sculpture, and advocate facing the more and more complex art world and social reality by many different ways, such as consciousness, materials, cross-media etc., to discuss the “tomorrow” of sculptural art developing.

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

宗 旨本奖旨在鼓励执着于雕塑创作并富有创造精神的青年艺术家与优秀在校学子,推介具有原创性及新的审美意识与文化内涵的优秀作品。—PurposeThis award is aimed to inspire the young sculpturers and outstanding students who insist on making sculpture with creative spirit. It will promote excellent works with originality, new aesthetic consciousness and cultural connotation.申请时间 

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

评审时间2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集申请资格面向全国(大陆及台湾、香港、澳门地区)及海外45岁以下,从事雕塑创作的青年艺术家。—Time of ApplicationAugust 1, 2020 to September 30 ,2020Time of Preliminary ReviewDecember 10, 2020Qualification of ApplicationYoung sculpturers under 45 years-old from the whole country (including mainland, Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macau) and overseas.



The Process of ApplicationAppliers can send the related information in the form of USB flash disk to the office of Sculpture Department, The School of Fine Arts of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute,or send the compressed files to the E-mail.address: mingtiandiaosu@126.com 提交资料1. 个人中英文简历与近照一张  (请注明联系方式);2. 个人作品需近两年内的创作,    且不能是毕业作品;3. 500字以内的中英文作品阐述或作品说明;4. 作品照片为JPG或TIF格式,需达到印刷精度。—Material Requested1.Personal resume in Chinese and English, recent photo of sculpturer and contact information;2.The work should be made in the recent two years and should not be the graduation work;3.The illustration or instructions of the work in Chineses and English within 500 words;4.The form of pictures about the work should be JPG or TIF and need to be printed in required accuracy.2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集


将从申请艺术家中选出20位入围艺术家进入展览终评。入围艺术家须准备8分钟作品介绍PPT,在展览现场进行作品阐释介绍,由五位终评评委结合现场作品,评选出四位获奖艺术家和一位大奖获得者。—The Selection of The ExhibitionWe will select 20 artists among the applicants into the final selection. Those 20 artists should prepare the PowerPoint to introduce the work in about 8 minutes and display it in the exhibition site to explain the work. The five final assessments will select four winners and one award winner based on the speech show and the work.


2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集


Numbers of The Awards, Bonus And Awards CeremonyThere will be 20 artists who can participate in the exhibition according to the preliminary selection. The final assessments will select five outstanding works among the 20 based on the speech show as well as the work itself. What’s more, they will also select one piece of work to be the best award. The best one work will obtain 100,000 RMB and the other four will obtain 20,000 RMB as the bonus.Shortlisted candidates and winners will attend the 8th “Tomorrow Sculpture Awards” Exhibition and the works can be published as the book. The 20 artists will be invited to attend the awards ceremony in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing,China.展览时间

2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集

Time of Exhibition

December 10, 2020 to January 10, 2021



Exhibition SiteArt Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing,China艺术家演讲2020.12.10演讲地点四川美术学院多功能厅—Emerging Art Stars Speech ShowDecember 10, 2020Location of Sspeech ShowThe Multi-functional Hall of SCFAI in Chongqing, China





Address of AcceptanceEmail:mingtiandiaosu@126.comAddress:Sculpture Department, The School of Fine Arts of Sichuan Fine Arts Instiute,Huxi University Town,Shapingba District,Chongqing,China邮编401331

Zip Code








耿菊花  139 8361 6128

马俊杰  135 5109 2695

江佳铭  137 2083 6189


Geng Juhua      139 8361 6128

Ma Junjie          135 5109 2695

Jiang Jiaming  137 2083 6189

联系电话+(86) 23 6592 2838





2020  第八届“明天雕塑奖”启动暨作品征集



Tomorrow Sculpture Awardssince 2013






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