

发布时间:2021-06-30 20:30   阅读量:1046
重庆两江协同创新区概念性建筑方案设计国际征集International Solicitation of Conceptual Architectural Design for Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone“协创之匠”-重庆两江协同创新区建筑设计工作营"Co-creative Craftsman" - Architectural Design Camp of Chongqing Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone

一、 项目背景

1. Project Background

重庆两江协同创新区位于全国首个内陆国家级开发开放新区——重庆两江新区。两江新区按照党的十九届五中全会关于“坚持创新在现代化建设全局中的核心地位,把科技自立自强作为国家发展战略支撑”等部署要求,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记在浦东开发开放30周年庆祝大会上的重要讲话精神、在全面推动长江经济带发展座谈会上的重要讲话精神,积极融入成渝地区双城经济圈建设和全市“一区两群”协调发展,以礼嘉智慧公园、两江数字经济产业园、两江协同创新区等智慧科技创新平台为引领,积极探索打造全国智慧城市样板,力争建设成为“智造重镇”、“智慧名城”的核心承载区,为建设具有全国影响力的科技创新中心提供有力支撑。Chongqing Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone situates at Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, the first national developing and opening area in inland China. The Fifth Plenum of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has proposed that innovation should be kept as the core of modernization building and that self-reliance in scientific and technological field should be considered as a strategic way to for national development especially in the accelerating the building of a nation with powerful scientific and technological strength. In line with these requirements and in order to fully implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches at the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Development and Opening-up of Pudong and the Symposium on Comprehensively Promoting the Development of The Yangtze River Economic Belt, Liangjiang New Area has integrated well into the development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle and the coordinated development of “one district, two groups”. Led by Lijia Yuelai Smart Park, Liangjiang Digital Economy Industrial Park, Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone and other key platforms, Liangjiang New Area is exploring the creation of a national smart city model and is striving to build itself as the demonstration window of “a key intelligent application manufacturing town" and “a famous smart city”. It is also pooling its efforts in developing itself as a pillar in building a science and technology innovation center with national influence.   两江新区高标准、高质量推进协同创新区规划建设,紧扣协同创新理念,彰显“生态+科技”内涵,注重产城景融合,突出产业协同、人才协同、生活协同、生态协同,努力建设人文、智慧、科技融为一体的国内外优秀人才科研创新高地。目前,已吸引国内外30家高等院校、科研院所和一批产学研交流合作平台入驻,努力打造成为具有重要影响力的汇聚全球创新要素的集聚高地、促进大学大院大所联合开展协同创新的合作高地,科技创新、产业创新及新兴产业的重要策源地。Liangjiang New Area is advancing the planning and construction of Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone under high-quality standards. During this process, the concept of collaborative innovation will be embraced the integration of industrial and city development with the landscape will be paid particular attention. The connotation of “ecology + technology” will be displayed and it is striving to become a high-end talent gathering place integrating humanities, wisdom, and science and technology according to the “four synergies” requirements of the industry, talent, life, and ecology. Now, it has attracted 30 universities, scientific research institutions and large numbers of enterprise-education-research cooperation platforms from home and abroad. It is stepping up its efforts in building itself as an important gathering place of global innovative elements, a cooperation highland for universities, institutions and companies to carry out cooperative innovation and a place of origin which promotes scientific and technological innovation, industrial innovation and advances the development of emerging industries.为此,两江新区管理委员会特启动两江协同创新区概念性建筑方案设计国际征集活动,以“产业协同、人才协同、生活协同、生态协同”为主题,向全球征集具有前瞻性和创新性的建筑方案,欢迎具有相关建筑设计经验的设计机构参与。To this end, the Management Committee of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area is inviting excellent international design agencies to participate in the international open soliciting of conceptual design schemes for the Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone with the theme of "four synergies of the industry, talent, life, and ecology".

二、 项目区位

2. Project Location

重庆两江协同创新区位于两江新区龙盛片区东北部,紧临三环高速,御临河以东,明月山以西。本次国际征集包括3个项目,用地面积约58公顷,总计容建筑面积约63万平方米。包括:A组团:设计范围约20公顷,计容建筑面积约24万方。B组团:设计范围约19公顷,计容建筑面积约19万方。H组团:设计范围约19公顷,计容建筑面积约20万方。Chonging Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone is situated in the northeast of the Longsheng District, Liangjiang New Area, close to the third ring expressway. With Yulin river in the east and Mingyue Mountain in the west.The international solicitation includes 3 projects with a land area of approximately 58 hectares and a total construction area of approximately 630,000 square meters. They includes:Cluster A: The area of design space is about 20 hectares, and the capacity building area is about 240,000 square meters.Cluster B:The area of design space is about 19 hectares, and the capacity building area is about 190,000 square meters.Cluster H: The area of design space is about 19 hectares, and the capacity building area is about 200,000 square meters.重庆两江协同创新区概念性建筑方案设计国际征集项目区位图 The location of the project重庆两江协同创新区概念性建筑方案设计国际征集项目范围图 Planning scope


3. Organizer

主办单位:重庆两江新区管理委员会承办单位/签约主体:重庆两江协同创新区建设投资发展有限公司组织单位:重庆市城市规划学会重庆市城市规划学会为组织单位,其经主办单位确认发出的相关函件具有与其同等效力。Organizer: Management Committee of Chongqing Liangjiang New AreaUndertaker/Contract Subject: Chongqing Liangjiang CollaborativeInnovation Zone Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd.Organization unit: Urban Planning Society of ChongqingUrban Planning Society of Chongqing is the organization unit, and the relevant letters issued by it have the same effect. This is approved by the organizer.


4. Design phases and content

征集阶段:对A组团、B组团、H组团三个项目进行概念性建筑方案设计。International solicitation: Carry out conceptual schematic design for Cluster A, B and H.深化阶段:中选单位将负责完成建筑方案深化设计(深化至全专业初步设计深度)及后续其他需配合的工作。Integration phase: The bid-winning agency is responsible for completing the integration design of the construction plan (the design shall meet shall meet preliminary design requirements of the whole discipline) and follow-up work.


5. Applicant qualification

(一)申请人须为独立法人,且具备如下条件之一:5.1 Solicitation applicants shall be a separate legal entity and meet one of the following conditions:1、申请人为国内机构的,须具有工程设计综合甲级资质或工程设计建筑行业甲级资质或工程设计建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级资质。5.1.1 Domestic applicants must have Grade A qualification in urban and rural planning or the engineering design and construction industry (construction engineering).2、申请人为境外机构的,须联合国内具备上述资格之一的设计机构参与本次设计,同时境外机构在其所在国家或地区应具有合法营业范围,及相应设计许可。如首席建筑师为境外机构的,需提供常住中国证明。5.1.2 Overseas applicants should work with one of the domestic design institutions which meet one of the above qualifications to participate in this project. The overseas institutions must have a legal business scope in the country or region where it is located and it should have the corresponding design license. If the chief architect works for an overseas institution, the Certificate of Permanent Residence of Aliens is required.3、申请人团队配置需满足全专业初步设计要求。5.1.3 The staffing establishment shall meet the preliminary design requirements of the whole discipline.(二)本项目鼓励联合报名,须具备如下条件:5.2 Consortium applications are encouraged, and they shall meet the following conditions:1、联合体成员至少一方应符合以上第一条资格条件,另一方不得为个人。5.2.1 At least one unit of the consortium shall meet the requirements in 5.1, and the other party shall not be an individual.2、联合体各成员单位应共同签署一份联合体协议书,并明确各设计机构的职责分工、各自承担的工作量及权益比例,主办单位将与联合体签订多方合同。5.2.2 Each member unit of the consortium should jointly sign a consortium agreement to specify the division of responsibilities of each design agency, the workload, and the proportion of rights and interests undertaken by each member unit. The organizer will sign a multi-party contract with the consortium.3、各机构联合旨在满足该项目对各相关专业的要求,如建筑、规划、交通、景观等专业的相互协作。鼓励国内外优秀建筑设计公司、独立设计师事务所与大型设计院所联合报名参与。 5.2.3 Working in a consortium aims to meet different requirements of the projects for various disciplines which could enable cooperation among different institutions in various fields such as architecture, planning, transportation, landscape, etc. Architectural design companies, independent designer firms, and major design institutes are encouraged to jointly participate in this project.4、组成项目联合体的各成员单位不得再以自己的名义单独申请资格预审,也不得同时加入本项目其它联合体申请资格预审。5.2.4 Each member unit in the consortium may no longer apply for prequalification separately in its name, nor can it join other consortiums in the project to apply for prequalification at the same time.(三)设计团队要求:5.3 Requirements for Design Teams1、本项目首席建筑师需设置AB角,其中A角需履行本项目要求的建筑师负责制职责(详见附件1)并且参加重要节点的汇报会议等工作。如A角确因特殊原因造成无法履行建筑师负责制职责,或因无法解决的时间冲突造成缺席重要节点汇报,经签约主体认可,可由B角代替。5.3.1 There shall be two chief architects (A and B) in each design team, of which the chief architect A shall perform the responsibility required in the Architect Responsibility System (see Annex 1 for details) and attend the milestone presentation meetings. If the chief architect A is unable to take these responsibilities due to special reasons, the chief architect B can take this place with the approval of the contracting entity.2、参与本次活动的设计人员应为设计机构的在册人员,首席建筑师由主持过多个同类型项目的建筑师担任,且须直接参与设计全过程。5.3.2 Designers participating in this project must be registered personnel of design institutes. The chief designers must be those who have presided over many similar design projects and will directly take part in the whole design process.3、团队应包含建筑、规划、景观、交通等专业人员。建筑团队需包含但不限于结构、暖通、给排水、机电、造价、人防、BIM等专业。5.3.3 Each team should have professionals in architecture, planning, landscape, transportation, etc., and the architectural teams need include but not limited to the majors of structure, HVAC, plumbing, electromechanical, cost, civil defense, and BIM.4、在设计过程中若首席建筑师(AB角)与资格预审材料所提交的信息不符,视为无效签约。5.3.4 The contract will be deemed invalid if any chief designer (A and B) is inconsistent with the prequalification materials during the design process.


6. Solicitation Content

本次征集分为三个阶段:公开报名、资格预审、概念方案设计及评审阶段。This solicitation is divided into three stages: registration, prequalification, conceptual scheme design and review.第一阶段为公开报名阶段。3个项目采用统一报名的方式,报名内容包含报名表、首席建筑师(AB角)及团队人员业绩、初步报价及3个项目的意向中标顺序等(详见附件2)。Stage 1: Open RegistrationThe unified registration is adopted for the three projects. The registration content includes the application form, accomplishments of the two chief architects and other teammates, initial quotations, and preferred order of the bid for the three projects etc. (see Annex 2 for details).其中,初步报价为:分别对大型公建和一般建筑两个类别建筑(详见附件4),按每平方米建筑设计费进行报价(首席建筑师履行建筑师负责制不额外付费)。Initial quotations are the design fees required per square meter for large public buildings and common buildings respectively (see Annex 4 for details). According to the Architect Responsibility System, chief architects pay no extra charges.第二阶段为资格预审阶段。由专家组成资格预审委员会,从有效报名的设计机构中投票评选出票数前9名入围。Stage 2: PrequalificationThe prequalification jury constituted by experts will vote the top 9 design institutes from valid registrations.资格预审委员会将根据设计机构资格预审排名及各设计机构报选的意向中标顺序,分配每个项目对应的3家设计机构。The jury will allot each project three design institutes according to the prequalification ranking and the preferred order of the bid submitted by agencies.第三阶段为概念方案设计及评审阶段。入围设计机构需按《协创之匠-重庆两江协同创新区建筑设计工作营任务书》要求,开展概念方案设计并根据资格预审后公布的限价再次进行商务报价。Stage 3: Conceptual Scheme Design and ReviewBased on the Task Book of "Co-creative craftsman" - Architectural Design camp of Chongqing Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone, shortlisted agencies shall propose conceptual scheme design and make another quotation based on the price limits given after the prequalification.


7. Registration and Materials Submission

(一)报名时间7.1 Registration Time2020年11月20日—2020年12月10日(中国北京时间)November 20, 2020 —December 10, 2020 (Beijing Time)(二)报名资料7.2 Registration Materials报名资料包括协创之匠-重庆两江协同创新区建筑设计工作营报名表、商业登记/营业执照、资质证书、法定代表人授权委托书、联合体协议书(如有)、建筑师负责制响应文件、首席建筑师(AB角)及团队业绩介绍、团队人员构成安排、商务报价及其他有帮助的资料(如获奖证明及荣誉等)等文件。Design units shall submit the registration form, business registration/ business license, certifications of qualification, power of attorney of the legal representative, consortium agreement (if there be), response letter of Architect Responsibility System, the introduction of chief architects and agencies' achievements, staffing establishment, quotations and other helpful documents such as the certificate of awards and honors.首席建筑师(AB角)及团队业绩介绍需提供不超过5个由首席建筑师(AB角)本人领衔的同类型设计项目业绩资料,应包含:项目名称、项目地点、项目规模(规划建筑面积)、设计内容、主要设计人员、项目完成时间(正在进行的可备注为正在进行)、项目图片(规划设计图或实景照片)以及相关证明材料(合同关键页、中标通知书等)。业绩资料若经核实非本人业绩或其他内容存在虚假,主办单位有权随时取消参选资格或终止合同。No more than 5 design projects materials of the same kind lead by the chief architects shall be given in the introduction of chief architects and agencies' achievements. They shall include the names, locations, and scopes (planning areas) of these projects, design contents, main designers, finish time (on-going projects shall be noted), project pictures (planning drawings or photos), and other proof materials (contract key page, the first page of the contract with an official seal, bid-winning notice and other documents). If any of these projects are proven to be plagiarism or there are any false and inaccurate information, the organizer has the right to disqualify these agencies or terminate the contract at any time.团队构成需包括项目设计团队主要参与人员简历、专业背景证明材料(职称或相应资格证书)、项目业绩资料,以及所有团队成员在职证明材料,其中境内机构应提供团队人员近半年的社保证明。Team composition shall include personal resumes, certifications of professional backgrounds (professional titles or related credentials) of the major members in the unit. Project materials, incumbency certifications of all members shall also be submitted. Domestic applicants shall provide their certifications of social insurance for nearly half a year.商务报价分别对大型公建和一般建筑两个类别建筑,按每平方米建筑设计费进行报价。Design fees per square meter for large public buildings and common buildings shall be given respectively as business quotations.(三)资料提交7.3 Materials Submission递交资格预审报名文件截止时间为2020年12月10日16时00分,设计机构需提交纸质版(正本1份,副本7份)及电子版报名材料(内容应完全一致)。The design agency shall send the paper vision of the registration data (1 original and 7 copies) and electronic documents (the content should be the same with paper documents) by 16:00 on December 10, 2020.纸质版报名材料封面须盖章,封面标注“协创之匠-重庆两江协同创新区建筑设计工作营报名资料”和设计机构全称,寄送地址:重庆市规划测绘创新基地3号楼。Paper documents shall be stamped on the cover and the cover should be noted with "registration materials for co-creative craftsman" - architectural design camp of Chongqing Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone" and the full name of the agency. Mailing information for registration materials: Building No.3, Planning and Mapping Innovation Base, Chongqing.电子版报名材料应采用PDF或WORD等可编辑的文件格式,发送至2268574590@qq.com邮箱,邮件主题以“设计机构全称——协创之匠-重庆两江协同创新区建筑设计工作营”命名。Electronic documents (in PDF, Microsoft Word, or other editable file types) shall be sent via e-mail to 2268574590@qq.com with the topic of "the full name of the agency——"Co-creative craftsman" - architectural design camp of Chongqing Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone".逾期送达或者未送达指定地点的资格预审报名文件,主办方将不予受理。Materials submitted after the deadline or not to the designated place will be off the docket.


8. Design Cost 

3个项目的各中选机构设计总费用,由本次概念方案征集评审时提交的报价单价,按各组团经行政审批后的实际建筑面积据实结算(含税)。The design fees of bid-winning agencies for 3 projects will be settled based on the quotation and the building area after administrative review and approval (tax included in price).入围但未中选的其余6家设计机构补偿费用为各100万人民币(含税)。Other 6 shortlisted agencies will get a design compensation of CNY 1,000,000 (tax included in price) respectively.


9. Contact

联 系 人:黄先生、曹女士联系地址:重庆市规划测绘创新基地3号楼电话:+86 186 9665 2671          +86 177 8233 7792电子邮箱:2268574590@qq.comContact: Mr. Huang, Ms. CaoContact address: Building No.3, Planning and Mapping Innovation Base, Chongqing.Tel: +86 186 9665 2671, +86 177 8233 7792Email: 2268574590@qq.com


10. Solicitation Instruction

(一)本次建筑设计工作营活动采用中文或中英文对照格式;当中英文内容不一致时,以中文为准。10.1 We made the instruction in both Chinese and English. And we shall only rely on Chinese,given the right of final interpretation.(二)主办单位的日程安排时间均以北京时间为准。受疫情影响,主办单位可对具体时间节点和会议形式作适时调整,并及时通知设计机构。10.2 All time points are Beijing time (UTC/GMT+08:00). The organizer might adjust the timetable and the conference form due to the Covid-19 and design units will be notified timely.(三)获得正式邀请函的设计机构首席建筑师与主要设计人员须亲自参与现场踏勘、概念方案评审、深化阶段主要会议的交流与汇报。请设计机构根据各地区疫情防控要求提前作好相应准备。10.3 Chief architects and major designers who receive the invitation letter shall attend milestone meetings and presentations in the stage for field inspection, conceptual scheme review, and integration design. All design agencies must follow the requirements of epidemic prevention and control in various regions and prepare in advance.(四)本次活动采用“建筑师负责制”模式,统筹规划、建设、管理三大环节,中选设计机构首席建筑师及团队应在各自组团的规划优化、方案设计、初步设计、施工图设计、招标采购、施工监管、竣工验收、质保维护等方面提供全过程管理服务,并对质量、安全、进度、费用、合同、信息、行政审批、技术审查等承担相关责任。10.4 Architect Responsibility System will be adopted in this project. Chief architects from bid-winning units and their teams shall provide whole-process management in terms of planning optimization, scheme design, preliminary design, construction drawings design, bidding procurement, construction supervision, completion acceptance, warranty and maintenance, and other related issues. They shall also assume responsibility for the quality, safety, progress, cost, contract, information, administrative approval, technical review, and other issues.(五)凡报名参加本次建筑设计工作营活动的设计机构,均被视为同意并接受本次活动规则以及各阶段相应的文件及其补充(修改)文件和澄清文件之全部内容及条款。10.5 Applicants shall be deemed to have accepted all terms and provisions written in documents, the supplement documents (revisions), and other clarification documents issued during the project.(六)应征设计机构提交的应征方案规划版权归主办单位/承办单位所有,应征设计机构对其应征方案享有署名权。10.6 The copyright of all the submitted design proposals are owned by the organizer/undertaker. Design agencies own the right of authorship.(七)各申请人参加本次活动产生的一切费用均自理。10.7 All applicants will be solely responsible for all the expenses incurred in participating in this event.(八)活动解释权:因对本次活动规则的有不同理解,本次活动的主办单位和承办单位共同享有解释权。10.8 Right of interpretation: due to different understanding of the rules of the event, the organizer and undertaker share the right of interpretation.关于本次活动具体要求详见:For more details:附件1—建筑师负责制管理手册大纲Annex 1—Outline of the Architect Responsibility System Management Manual附件2—协创之匠-重庆两江协同创新区建筑设计工作营报名表Annex 2—Registration Form附件3—商业登记/营业执照、资质证书复印件/扫描件并加盖公章Annex 3—Business Registration/Business License and Copies/Scanning Copies of Certification with Official Seal附件4—A、B、H各组团功能业态分布表Annex 4—Distribution Formats for Three Clusters附件5—法定代表人授权委托书Annex 5—Power of Attorney of Legal Representative附件6—联合体协议书(如有)Annex 6—Consortium Agreement (If there be)附件7—建筑师负责制响应文件Annex 7—Response Letter of Architect Responsibility System附件8—征集阶段成果要求Annex 8—Results Requirements

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