发布时间:2021-06-30 20:50 阅读量:1028
深汕特别合作区(南山)高新产业园总体概念规划及一期建筑设计国际竞赛Competition International Competition for Conceptual Master Plan & Phase I Architectural Design of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone (Nanshan) Hi-tech Industrial Park
1. 项目概况
图1 园区总体规划设计范围 Fig. 1 Scope of design for master plan of the Park2.2 一期概念建筑设计 Phase I conceptual architectural design一期用地面积8.491万平方米,主要建设深汇通自营标准厂房,面向各类型企业招商,经营方式以物业租赁为主。配套宿舍、食堂、活动中心、商业网点等, 详见图2园区一期设计范围。Phase I land area is 84,910㎡, mainly constructing the standard plant buildings operated by Shenhuitong, inviting enterprises of various types, and the operation mode is mainly property leasing. The rest is supporting dormitory, canteen, activity center, commercial outlet, etc. See Fig. 2 Phase I design scope of the Park for details.
图2 园区一期设计范围Fig. 2 Phase I design scope of the Park3. 竞赛规则

注/Note:所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利。All time is subject to Beijing Time. The Host reserves the right to adjust the agenda.7. 资格预审报名条件

Project Overview
深圳市南山区是中国百强区之首,区内7家企业入选中国企业500强榜单,截至目前累计培育上市企业170家、认定国家高新技术企业总部超过3500家,经济发展趋势迅猛,工业质量跨步提升。但是,目前南山区发展面临着土地、能源和水资源等资源日渐短缺、生态治理成本不断上升、产业发展空间拥挤、成本过高等困境。Nanshan District of Shenzhen City is in the leading position among top 100 districts of China, and 7 companies in the District are among top 500 Chinese companies. As of now, it has cultivated 170 public companies and certified over 3500 headquarters of state hi-tech companies, with rapid economic development and great improvement of industrial quality. However, the current development of Nanshan is facing the challenges of ever-increasing resource shortage of land, energy and water, continuous increase of ecological treatment cost, tight industrial development space, and too high cost.为进一步推动区域协调发展,深入贯彻落实省委省政府推动粤东西北地区振兴发展战略,以“创新发展,飞地经济”为核心,打破行政区划界限,探索政府引导、优势互补、政策叠加、园区共建、利益共享的跨区域合作模式,推动深圳市深汕特别合作区与深圳市南山区互动协助发展,南山区政府与深汕特别合作区管委会签订了深圳市深汕特别合作区(南山)高新产业园合作框架协议,共建高新产业园,探索“南山总部+深汕基地”“研发+生产”“智慧+运用”的合作共建机制,承接来自深圳的外溢产业需求,推动深汕合作区经济高质量发展。To further promote the regional coordinative development, implement the strategy of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Government for revitalization development of eastern, western and northern areas of Guangdong, with “innovative development and enclave economy” as the center, break the administrative regional boundary, explore the cross-regional cooperation mode of government guide, complementary advantages, policy superposition, park co-building and interest sharing, and to push forward the interactive and concerted development of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen City and Nanshan District of Shenzhen City, Nanshan District Government and Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Management Commission signed the cooperation framework agreement of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone (Nanshan) Hi-tech Industrial Park of Shenzhen City, jointly building the hi-tech industrial park, exploring the cooperation and co-building mechanism of “Nanshan headquarter + Shenshan base”, “R & D + production”, and “smart + utilization”, meeting the demand of industry spillover from Shenzhen, and promoting the high-quality economic development of Shenshan Cooperation Zone.由深圳市深汇通产业园开发有限公司负责园区建设运营。采取“分期开发、同步设计、同步招商、引入名企、量身定制、品牌效应、逐步进入” 建设模式,引进深圳市南山区具有高新技术、规模品牌、发展前景的产业项目,努力将深汕特别合作区(南山)高新产业园建设成未来南山区在粤东重要经济增长点及现代化综合性新城。Shenzhen Shenhuitong Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd. is responsible for the Park construction and operation. Adopt the construction mode of “phasing development, concurrent design, concurrent business invitation, introducing famous companies, customization, branding and gradual entry”, introduce the industrial projects of Nanshan District with high technology, brand of scale and development prospect, and try to build Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone (Nanshan) Hi-tech Industrial Park into the future important economic growth point and modern comprehensive new place of Nanshan District in east Guangdong Province.为此,开展深汕特别合作区(南山)高新产业园(下文简称产业园)总体概念规划及一期概念建筑设计国际竞赛,结合深汕特别合作区产业发展的定位与重点方向,为本园区未来的规划及建筑设计提供指引与依据。For this purpose, the international competition for conceptual master plan and Phase I architectural design of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone (Nanshan) Hi-tech Industrial Park (hereinafter referred to as Industrial Park) will be carried out, combined with the industrial development positioning and key direction of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone, providing guidance and basis for the future plan and architectural design of this Park.2. 主要设计内容Competition Design Content
2.1产业园总体规划 Master plan of industrial park项目位于深汕特别合作区鹅埠镇。深汕特别合作区(南山)高新产业园由一期,二期和远期规划用地组成,总面积约192.7公顷,采用分期开发模式,形成“滚动开发、联动发展”。The project is located in Ebu Town of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone.Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone (Nanshan) Hi-tech Industrial Park consists of Phase I, Phase II and long-term planning land, with a total area of about 192.7ha. It will adopt phasing development mode, and form “rolling and linked development”.园区一期建设,地块面积约8.491万平方米用地建设起步园区。围绕先进制造业、新一代信息技术、新型材料等相关产业,打造生态、智慧型工业4.0复合型产业园区。园区一期工程投入约11亿元,预计年均创造产值约10亿元,年均纳税额约0.4亿元。For Phase I, about 84,910㎡ land is used for constructing the launching area. Around such industries as advanced manufacturing, new generation of information technology and new materials, it will build ecological, smart and integrated Industry 4.0 compound industrial park. Phase I investment is about RMB1.1 billion, the annual output value is expected to be about RMB1 billion, and annual average tax payment is about RMB40 million.依托一期带动临近的二期约58.6公顷用地,发展先进制造业、生物医药、新一代信息技术、节能环保、新型材料、新型金融、文化创意等优势产业。二期主要根据引进企业实际需要进行量身订做,面向各类型企业招商,经营方式以租售并举,租赁为主。Based on Phase I, drive the adjacent Phase II land of about 58.6ha, and develop advanced manufacturing, biopharmaceutical, new generation of information technology, energy conservation and environmental protection, new materials, new type of finance, creative culture, etc. Phase II will be customized to meet the actual needs of the companies entering here, inviting enterprises of various types, and the operation mode includes both lease and sales, mainly property leasing.园区远期建设,随着土地整备工作的开展,逐步滚动发展周边占地面积约125.6公顷的高新产业园区,详见图1园区总体规划设计范围。For long-term construction of the Park, with the land preparatory work development, make gradual and rolling development of hi-tech industrial park with land coverage of about 125.6ha. See Fig. 1 Scope of design for master plan of the Park for details.

Competition Rules
本次竞赛分为三个阶段:第一阶段-资格预审;第二阶段-方案设计;第三阶段-确定中选单位。This competition includes three stages: Prequalification, Design Competition, and Winner Deciding.第一阶段-资格预审阶段:由主办方依法组建资格预审专家评审委员会对参赛申请人所提交的资格预审申请文件进行评审,采用记名投票、逐轮票决的方法确定5家入围参赛单位(无排序)及2家备选参赛单位(有排序)。Stage 1 – Prequalification: The Host will set up professional review committee at the prequalification stage according to the law to review the Prequalification application documents submitted by the applicants. Through open-ballot and round by round voting, determine 5 shortlisted applicants (without ranking) and 2 alternative applicants (with ranking).第二阶段-方案设计阶段:主办方依法组建方案评审委员会,对参赛方案进行评审。采用记名投票法(逐轮淘汰),以确定3家优胜单位(无排序)。Stage 2 – Design Competition: The Host shall establish a professional review committee according to the law to review the schemes. The professional review committee will adopt open-ballot voting method (round by round elimination) to select 3 winning schemes (without ranking).第三阶段-确定中选单位阶段:确定一等奖(即中选单位)1名(或空缺),二等奖2名(或3名,如一等奖空缺则二等奖为3名)。Stage 3 – Winner Deciding: Determine 1 (or none) for first prize (i.e. winner), 2 (or 3) for second prize (In case of vacancy for first prize, there will be 3 second prize winners).4. 竞赛奖金Competition Prize
1) 一等奖1名(或空缺),将获得奖金160万元人民币(含税)。如作为实施方案,将授予《深汕特别合作区(南山)高新产业园总体规划及一期建筑方案设计合同(完成方案报建工作,其中建筑专业达初步设计深度)》,设计费将扣除该奖金。主办方保留一等奖空缺的权利。1)1 (or none) first prize winner, with bonus of RMB1.60 million (tax inclusive). If it’s taken as the implementation scheme, then it will be awarded with the master plan & Phase I architectural schematic design contract of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone (Nanshan) Hi-tech Industrial Park (completing the scheme approval application, with architecture discipline reaching the extent of design development), and the bonus will be deducted from the design fee. The Host reserves the right to leave the first prize vacant.2)二等奖2名(或3名,如一等奖空缺则二等奖为3 名),每家获得奖金各 120 万元人民币(含税)。2)2 (or 3) second prize winners (if none for first prize, then 3 for second prize), with bonus of RMB1.20 million each (tax inclusive).3)入围奖2名(未进入确定中选单位阶段的2家参赛单位),每家获得奖金各100万元人民币(含税)。3)2 entry award winners (2 shortlisted competitors, but not entering the winner deciding stage), with bonus of RMB1.00 million each (tax inclusive).
5. 设计费
Design Fee
获得一等奖的中选单位将授予《深汕特别合作区(南山)高新产业园总体规划及一期建筑方案设计合同》,设计费含总体概念规划设计深化、一期建筑方案设计(完成方案报建,其中建筑专业达初步设计深度)、施工图配合、施工配合的顾问费用。The first prize winner will be awarded with the master plan & Phase I architectural schematic design contract of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone (Nanshan) Hi-tech Industrial Park. The design fee includes conceptual master plan development, Phase I architectural schematic design (completing the scheme approval application, with architecture discipline reaching the extent of design development), cooperation for construction drawing, and construction cooperation.入围单位在方案竞赛阶段自主报价,参赛报价单价不得超过 60元/平方米,(合同价=一期总建筑面积×参赛单价),以最终核算的建筑面积为准。The bidder will make its quotation at the design competition stage, with the quoted unit price no more than RMB60/㎡ (total contract price = GFA of Phase I x quoted unit price), subject to the final approved GFA.6. 竞赛日程Competition Agenda

Prequalification Application Requirements
7.1本项目参赛申请人须为合法注册的企业法人或机构。7.1 Applicants must be legally registered companies or organizations.7.2本项目接受联合体竞赛,以联合体竞赛的合作方需符合以下要求:7.2 Consortium is accepted in this project, and the members of the consortium need to meet the following requirements:1)联合体成员不得超过3名(含牵头单位)。1)There shall be no more than 3 consortium members (including leading member).2)联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成其他联合体参与报名。2)Each member of the consortium shall not further apply alone or join another consortium with other applicants to apply.3)联合体合作方需签署合法有效的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位,以及合同实施阶段联合体各方的权益份额、工作内容和工作量。3)The consortium members need to sign legal and valid Consortium Agreement, specifying the leading member, as well as the work distribution and share of rights and interests during project implementation stage if awarded with Contract.7.3本项目不接受个人或个人组合的报名。7.3 Application of individuals and teams of individuals is not accepted.8.信息发布及文件下载Competition Announcement and Downloading
竞赛公告及后续答疑、补遗文件的官方发布平台为深圳建设工程交易服务网。参赛申请人请自行在“深圳建设工程交易服务网-招标公告”下载公开征集阶段竞赛报名文件和资料:The official platform for announcement, follow-up Q&A and addendum documents is the Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service website. Please download Competition Document at open solicitation stage at “Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Network – Tender Announcement”:https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac275ad55240175f5caa82578c4 并登录以下链接:http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/RYtQI0k,或扫描以下二维码登记报名信息,并于报名截止日期前提交纸质报名文件至指定地点。The applicant can click the link: http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/RYtQI0k to register the application information, or scan the following QR code registration information, then submit paper application documents to the designated place before the registration deadline.
主办方:Host:深圳市南山区人民政府Nanshan District People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality深圳市深汕特别合作区管理委员会Management Committee of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen Municipality承办方:Organizer: 深圳市深汇通产业园开发有限公司Shenzhen Shenhuitong Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd.竞赛组织服务单位Organization service provider:深圳市都市未来文化发展有限公司 Shenzhen Urban Future Culture Development Co., Ltd.深圳市一和雅韵文化传播有限公司Shenzhen Ehow Culture Communication Co., Ltd.10. 咨询方式Consulting Information
竞赛咨询邮箱: competition@ehow.net.cnCompetition advisory email: competition@ehow.net.cn咨询电话:田工,+86-13312968676(北京时间周一至周五 9:00—18:00)Advisory telephone: Miss Tian,+86-13312968676(Beijing Time, Monday through Friday 9:00—18:00)工业产品文创设计赛群:546975142

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